
Computer Name Insert / News: Recent posts


So puppet did not work out for me and I've been using CNI since. I've finally decided to pick up development again and give this script some more attention. Hi-Ho, it's off to work we go!

Posted by Rusty Myers 2010-02-10


I am discontinuing full development of this project. I have neither the time or the use for this script. I used this script to control the computer names of my computers, but I am going to be heavily investigating Puppet for computer control.

Please, if you are interested in taking over this project, contact me. I will give you full control, but will not be able to support it. Thanks

Posted by Rusty Myers 2009-05-29

Beta 0.1 Release

HA! I did it, I really knew I could. I am happy to release the first publicly available version of Computer Name Insert. The code is messy and the coffee stains dark, but there it is. It should work, although I have not tested it. Please comment, develop, share, and love this script. Cheers!

Posted by Rusty Myers 2009-02-05

Start of Project

Hello Anyone. This is the first news article. I am working on finding time to upload the code to get the project rolling. I first need to determine the folder structure to set up before I can upload. Anyone who wants to help can email me. Thanks
Rusty Myers

Posted by Rusty Myers 2009-02-02