
Graphical tool using Sphinx4 or Google

  • vJaivox

    vJaivox - 2013-12-23

    A new tool that works with either Sphinx4 or the Google recognizer is at . Conversational dialogs are initially loaded from a tree-like text file, and optionally generalized using a thesaurus and parser. Conversations can be linked to database fields (MySQL or Postgres). A generated application can be tested from within the tool or run as an independent program. A new version of our library is included as a binary jar with the tool or available for separate download.


    Last edit: vJaivox 2013-12-27
  • jiten

    jiten - 2013-12-27

    i could not fnd the mentioned guitool. please update link

  • vJaivox

    vJaivox - 2013-12-27

    Sorry, it was a period at the end of the url, thanks for letting us know.


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