
CMDBuild -Platform for Asset Management / News: Recent posts

CMDBuild 3.4

We have released the new CMDBuild 3.4 version.

From the architectural point of view, the most important innovation is the introduction of the CMDBuild Service BUS called waterWAY, a new layer that extends and reorganizes the system interoperability services: data and message flows, batch processing, input/output modules, error handling and notifications, webhooks.

New capabilities were then added in the dynamic configuration of the data model with:... read more

Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2022-02-04

CMDBuild version 3.0

After two years of work, done by a dedicated team of designers and developers, the new 3.0 version is now available for download.

The new version is actually a new product, with a completely rewritten user interface, which maintains all the previous configuration logics extending them with several new important server-side features.

For all details visit the project website.... read more

Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2019-04-12

Working on CMDBuild 3.0

We are working on the new version 3.0 of CMDBuild, which will bring the project in the next decade.

This is not a simple review of the user interface.
All "client" code is completely rewritten, to ensure a fluid usage by the operators.
Beside this, completely new features will also be available.

All news here.

Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2018-08-23

Source code repository moved to GIT

Our source code repository has moved from Mercurial to GIT.

All commit history has been migrated in the new GIT repository. You can find the old hg repository (which won't be updated anymore) on bitbucket: .

Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2018-03-08

CMDBuild version 2.5

The new version of CMDBuild 2.5 has been released.

The release includes the following main new features:

  1. possibility to configure CMDBuild in cluster mode, so with multiple independent Tomcat nodes controlled by a Load Balancer Apache, to ensure availability (in case a node stops responding, functionality is provided by active nodes, in a transparent way for the user) and scalability (requests distributed on more nodes, with faster response time, in the case of a large number of competing users) of the application;
  2. new password management for users, with the possibility of specifying its expiration date (with notification) and how to set it;
  3. GIS refactoring, now able to operate with a quantity of almost unlimited items, thanks to a new memory management mechanism;
  4. new task type in the Administration Module Task Manager for an automatic scheduled sending of reports by mail;
  5. update of BIM features to IFC4 format and redesign of the 3D viewer now based on the project;
  6. optimization of javascript file recovery policies from the browser, in order to reduce login waiting times;
  7. other performance improvements.
Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2017-11-30

CMDBuild DAY 2016

The CMDBuild DAY is a biennial conference that offers to CMDBuild and openMAINT users the opportunity to share experiences, best practices, information and suggestions about the future developments of the projects.

In this occasion the maintainer Tecnoteca will present the updates on the project, the latest achievements and the road map.... read more

Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2016-09-12 Labels: CMDBuild DAY

CMDBuild version 2.4

The 2.4 version includes:

  • new relations graph, based on 3D technologies and numerous support features to the display and the graphical analysis of the information submitted;
  • support the CMIS protocol, open standard for the exchange of documentary data supported by the major DMS systems market (contribution of the University of Bologna);
  • extension in the workflow permissions management, can be assigned a read-permission to groups of users who do not participate in activities of the process (contribution of Trentino Network);
  • new interface for centralized management of the location of the second level;
  • view the history of the current session, and the possibility to quick return to one of the items you visited;
  • upgrade to Java 8 and Tomcat 8;
  • performance optimizations.... read more
Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2016-03-31

6thApril: SAVE THE DATE! A free webinar to introduce the new features of CMBDuild 2.4

The webinar will give you the chance to know main features of new upcoming version of CMDBuild:

  • new relation graph,
  • new interface for a centralized management in the second level localization,
  • new view of the history of navigation carried out in the current session, with the possibility of quick return to one of the visited entities,
  • extension of the workflow permission management, with the possibility to grant the reading permission also to user groups not involved in the process activity,
  • CMIS protocol support for the interface with the documental management system,
  • update to Java 8.... read more
Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2016-03-29 Labels: webinar

New release 2.3 CMDBuild

CMDBuild 2.3 version includes:

  • a new REST webservice
  • a new “mobile” interface for smartphones and tablets
  • a new external GUI Framework, in order to interact with CMDBuild through custom interfaces that have been issued on web portals


  • the HTML editor has been replaced with the open source TinyMCE editor, that includes more features and is able to manage better any redundant HTML code imported from external applications
  • new features in the “manageEmail” widget in order to reply on sent or received emails
  • performance improvements
  • bug fixing... read more
Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2015-02-04

CMDBuild version 2.2.2

CMDBuild 2.2.2 version includes:

  • Addressing CMDBuild content by URL: You can now access a CMDBuild resource (now class / process + card, then other types of resources) by specifying its URL path. This feature can be used to insert into notification emails the link to the ticket page in CMDBuild, to enable the PABX management software to open the customer card, to show an asset card reading a QR code, etc.... read more
Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2014-11-18

CMDBuild version 2.2

CMDBuild 2.2 version includes the following major improvements:

  • implementation of a Task Manager integrated in CMDBuild, that will allow to manage different operations (scheduling of workflows and of the new wizard connector) and data checks (upon receiving mails, synchronous events, asynchronous events) against which to send notifications, start workflows and execute scripts... read more
Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2014-06-17 Labels: cmdb asset management

CMDBuild Day 2014

The third edition of the CMDBuild DAY will be held on 15 May 2014 in Rome (Italy).

The meeting of the CMDBuild users will be held this year in the prestigious Sala delle Colonne of Palazzo Marini, made available by the Italian Chamber of Deputies.

On the CMDBuild website is available the provisional agenda of the meeting.... read more

Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2014-03-28

CMDBuild version 2.1.8

The 2.1.8 version includes the following major improvements:

  • new mode, based on SQL functions, to define in a more flexible way the permissions on subsets of cards of a class
  • bug fixing

For the complete list of the changes, please refer to the changelog.

Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2014-03-28

CMDBuild version 2.1.7

The 2.1.7 version includes the following major improvements:

  • new widget to start a workflow from a normal card or from another workflow
  • bug fixing

For the complete list of the changes, please refer to the changelog.

Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2014-03-28

CMDBuild version 2.1.6

The 2.1.6 version includes the following major improvements:

  • extension of the ManageEmail widget, usable in the workflows, with the possibility to send mails with attached files (both uploadable from your file system and from the Alfresco repository)
  • revision of the user interface running reports from the navigation menu
  • bug fixing

For the complete list of changes please refer to changelog.

Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2013-12-24

CMDBuild version 2.1.5

Released intermediate CMDBuild version 2.1.5 that includes:
- Ability to define permissions on individual attributes of a class, now also differentiated in read / write
- New feature in the workflow for uploading attachments in Alfresco (contribution of C4 Command - CIGC SICRAL)
- New feature in the Text HTML attributes to "clean" text from HTML tags (contribution of the University of Bologna)
- Localization in the Croatian language (contributed by Tomislav Peric)
- Bug fixing
For the complete list of changes please refer to changelog.

Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2013-10-31

Released CMDBuild 2.1

The new version includes:

  • the possibility of saving and reusing the search filters
  • implementation of the new view system (both based on search filters and on SQL queries)
  • definition of access permissions on rows and columns, useful to differentiate the access to data with “multiseat” or “multiclient” criteria
  • lock implementation when modifying data cards
  • bug fixing... read more
Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2013-05-09

The CMDBuild 2.0 version was released

The new version 2.0 includes:

  • a substantial editing in the workflow system, with an upgrade to Together Workflow Server 4.4, the adoption of the XPDL 2.0 standard, support for native parallelism in the flow through CMDBuild, important performance improvement
  • some optimizations to the previous Together Workflow Server 2.3 engine and XPDL 1.0, that will be used in alternative to the other for over a period of time
  • a new possibility of configuring dashboards, based on native related functionalities of Ext JS, which are useful for a graphic and easy-to-read representation of indicators and statistical data, worked out with the study of CMDB information (datacards and processes)
  • introduction of new parameters for the configuration of a new simplified version of the CMDBuild user interface (which can be used as an alternative to external portlets)
    updated manuals
  • Workflow Manual translated in English
  • new German, Japanese and Dutch localizations
  • bug fixing... read more
Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2012-08-31

CMDBuild Day 2012

The second edition of the CMDBuild DAY will be held on 10 May 2012 in Bologna (Italy).

Two years after the [first meeting in Udine][1] we are organizing the second session of this meeting that will be repeated every two years.

The meeting will be held on 10 May 2012 in Bologna (Italy) at the headquarters of the Emilia Romagna region, in the Conference Room "A" Third Tower, Viale della Fiera 8.

The CMDBuild Day is organized by [Tecnoteca][2] (project maintainer), in collaboration with the [Emilia Romagna region][3] (active CMDBuild user and collaborator for the event) and [Yacme][4] (local partner), and with the participation of the [Municipality of Udine][5] (initial customer).... read more

Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2012-02-13 Labels: cmdb meeting cmdbuild

New release 1.5

Version 1.5 includes:

  • ability to define widgets for cards and workflow processes to handle some specific operations
  • refactoring of workflow widgets and release of a new widget for the calendar management
  • interface improvements (including an HTML editor to compile "text" fields)
  • translation of the Technical Manual in English language
  • new localizations in Russian and Brazilian
  • bug fixing... read more
Posted by Tecnoteca srl 2012-02-02