
using clonezilla as an installed package

  • rosika

    rosika - 2021-09-13

    @ Steven Shiau:

    Hello Steven.

    We once discussed the topic of helping another person remotely. It was the case of my friend (who lives far away) wanting to make a disk backup of her Lubuntu system and I was to help her ( ).

    Sadly it turned out I couldn´t ssh into her system. Probably her router settings (or something else) wouldn´t allow that.

    As a result of that situation I was looking around a bit for an alternative way of helping her with clonezilla. I came up with a certain scenario but am not sure whether it would work as desired.

    I found out that there´s clonezilla available as a deb-package (see ).
    I tried it out on my system and indeed clonezilla can be installed locally.

    So I was wondering if my friend could run e.g. Lubuntu as a live system (she has still got the installation media) and after sudo apt update install clonezilla as well as anydesk or teamviewer for remote help.

    Then I´d be able to connect to her live system as she has a desktop environment available and I could start sudo clonezillaon her laptop.

    Her main system wouldn´t be running that way (nor would the partitions to be backed up be mounted) and I could initiate the disk backup for her this way.

    If that works it should also be possible to use rescuezilla instead of Lubuntu as a live system on her part.

    To be clear: I don´t want to use rescuezilla in itself (nor does she) but rather clonezilla. Yet the latest version of rescuezilla (2.2) does have clonezilla 3.35.2-2 installed by default!

    (see ).

    That way she would have to install just anydesk/teamviewer and we could go ahead.

    What do you think of my theory?

    Many thanks in advance for your help.

    Many greetings.

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2021-09-25

    Yes, it's can be done in this way. However, some notes:
    1. The device you want to save or restore has to be unmounted, because Clonezilla (or actually the file system engine Partclone) is block-based program. It's not based on the files. It only knows the used blocks on the file system.
    2. You of course can use the packages from Lubuntu.
    If you have some issue, you can try newer Clonezilla packages from this repository:


    • rosika

      rosika - 2021-11-14

      Hello Steven,

      so sorry I couldn´t reply earlier.
      There was so much to do in my personal life and accordingly this very topic slipped my mind. Sorry again.

      Thanks so much for the confirmation.

      1. The device you want to save or restore has to be unmounted

      Yes, that´s clear to me.
      I think this is achieved by starting either Lubuntu or rescuezilla as a live system.
      If any of the partitions of the installed system should have been mounted (by default?) we would have to un-mount them first.

      Thanks also for the link to the drbl-core packages.

      Alas my friend has also been very busy lately; so until now no opportunity to perform a clonezilla backup remotely has arisen so far.
      I´m pretty much dependent or her schedule.
      But it will be done and now I´m more confident as how to proceed - thanks to your kind help.

      Many thanks once again and keep safe.
      Many greetings from Rosika :)


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