
After a failed disk to disk clone, the source can not boot anymore

  • WLiu

    WLiu - 2016-12-23

    I did a disk to disk clone on machine A for a Fedora system, the clone was done only one one partition as I did a part to part clone, after that I removed the target disk and reboot, the source disk can not boot anymore and claims a lot of:
    "WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/."
    After that I get
    No root device found
    Boot has failed, sleeping forever

    The strainge thing is that the source disk can still boot and work correctly on the other machines, which means the disk doesn't change.

    And the other disks which can work on machine A previously can not boot now either and they claimed the same thing.

    It seams that Clonezilla did something to the machine.

    Anyone know what Clonezilla has done to the machine and how to restore it to the previous status?

    Thank you very much in advance...


    Last edit: WLiu 2016-12-23
  • WLiu

    WLiu - 2016-12-23

    Problem solved, it is because the disk mode of bios is set to be IDE . . . swtich it back to AHCI solve the problem

    I myself of cause didn't touch it ... I still don't know if I touched it by accident or it is coursed by clonezilla or it is change by some other reasons . . .

    happy ending before Christmas anyway


    Last edit: WLiu 2016-12-23
  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2016-12-28

    No, Clonezilla does not change the settings in BIOS, unless it's uEFI mechanism.



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