
Disk to Disk cloning

  • Chris

    Chris - 2014-02-19

    Is it possible if I have a 256GB disk with only 1 ~300MB and 1 ~80GB partitions to use disk to disk cloning to a disk that is 128GB.

    I've read somewhere that it would work since unallocated space is not cloned. Help plz. :)

  • Chris

    Chris - 2014-02-19

    I found the there was an option that said something like "Ignore smaller size of target disk" and ticked that. It worked. However I'm not sure it's supposed to be done like this.
    Upon booting on the new cloned SSD drive, chkdsk wanted to to a complete inconsistency check on all drives. Not sure if because of new drive (drivers) or because cloning was not done properly somehow. If someone can shed some light on this? Steven? ;)


    Last edit: Chris 2014-02-19
  • paziulek

    paziulek - 2014-02-24


    I came here to ask basically the same question.
    For a quite long time I am ending up manually dumping all partitions to the hdd, the boot block/partition table and the sdX-mbr-hidden to the disk from the shell. Either I was not able to find the proper "checkbox" or simply Clonezilla does not offer dumping to a smaller destination disk than the source, even if the total partition sizes are (way) below the target's size. If I try to do that it errors out saying dst hdd smaller than the source...
    If everything is done right, there is no chkdsk/fsck involved during the initial boot process. Could someone respond with either if there is such "MAGIC" option under C-zilla, or is the manual dump the only way to achieve this?
    and is it via the >disk< or >partition< save/restore process?

    Thanks a lot!


    Chris > "disk to a smaller disk" would be a "better" topic


    Last edit: paziulek 2014-02-24
  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2014-02-24

    Try to enter expert mode, and enable the options "-k1" and "-icds". It might help.


    • paziulek

      paziulek - 2014-02-24

      Thanks! I'll try it today and let you know.

      • paziulek

        paziulek - 2014-02-24

        yeah! - Thanks! - in the past I tried the "resize" options and the systems ware un-bootable, so since then I used to use the original and re-size it after the hdd was re-imaged. I never tested it again in any of the releases from within last two-three years... Thanks again!


        Last edit: paziulek 2014-02-27

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