
Unable to find target partition

  • Daniel Medina Méndez

    I've a problem with clonezilla-live-2.2.2-37-amd64.
    When i try to restore a multiple partition image with -k1 option, I get this message:
    Unable to find target partition "sda2"

    If I use the previous version (clonezilla-live-2.2.1-25-amd64), it works fine.

    Any suggestions?

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2014-05-17

    Could you take a photo about the error messages on the whole screen then post it?


  • Daniel Medina Méndez

    This morning, when I was trying to take the screenshot, I could not get the same error. I was using the newest version.

    I tried it several times. Then, I found the answer.
    When Clonezilla starts, if I choose Spanish language option, I get the error. If I choose English language, it works fine.

    In this video, I choosed Spanish laguage option and after cloning of "sda1", I got the same error. Then, I rebooted the virtual machine. I choosed English language and it worked fine.

    Thanks, Dani


    Last edit: Daniel Medina Méndez 2014-05-20
  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2014-05-22

    This is very weird... I saw in your video, when choosing Spanish language, the partition table was created successfully, and it was shown on the output of sfdisk. However, how come later /dev/sda2 was not shown in /proc/partitions.
    Are you able to reproduce the issue on Clonezilla live 2.2.3-10 or 20140518-trusty?


  • Daniel Medina Méndez

    I downloaded Clonezilla live 2.2.3-10.
    The result is the same.


  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2014-05-31

    When you see the errors, please:
    1. sudo -i
    2. cat /proc/partitions
    3. parted -s /dev/sda print
    Then post the results of (2) and (3).


  • Ionut

    Ionut - 2014-07-09

    I have the same issue :(
    how can fix the problem?

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2014-07-09

    This issue has been fixed on the latest Clonezilla live. Therefore please give Clonezilla live 2.2.3-25 a try:


  • Andy

    Andy - 2016-02-22

    Hello Steven,

    I have a similar problem "cannot find target partition "sda1" with clonezilla-live-20160210-wily-i386.
    I created an image of a RHEL machine, created an ISO and put it on a USB stick.

    This has been tried on a Z840 and a Z820, since these are the real target machines.

    Now during restore after the MBR has been created with sfdisk (or dd, I tried both), Clonezilla tells me the target partition cannot be found and I am thrown to terminal.
    When I execute "cat /proc/partitions" and "parted -s /dev/sda print" I can see all the needed partitions, including sda1. So it made me think that eventually the check for sda1 is being executed by clonezilla to soon.
    I tried a few different versions and options, always with the exact same base image and hard disk. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not, even with the same parameters.
    What I also noticed is that If I connect the HDD to the onboard SATA controller instead of the integrated SAS controller it always works but I need it to work on the SAS controller.

    Side note:
    Since I know that with clonezilla-live-20140915-trusty-i386 it worked on the Z820 I tried to dig into the sourcecode differences of both versions at this stage of the script.
    What I noticed is that in the ocs-onthefly script of clonezilla 3.19.17 after the instruction "inform_kernel_partition_table_changed mbr /dev/$target_hd" there was a sleep of two seconds which is missing in the 3.20.8 version.
    I wonder if this could make it work.

    Best regards,

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2016-03-06

    Thanks for reporting this. Someone else also mentioned the similar issue.
    In the /usr/share/drbl/sbin/ocs-functions for Clonezilla 3.20.18, there are 3 "sleep 1" in the function inform_kernel_partition_table_changed. Maybe this is not enough for some version of Linux kernel. I will make it sleep 2 secs in clonezilla 3.20.20.


    • Arthur Tromp

      Arthur Tromp - 2017-11-30

      Hi Steven, lately we were experiencing this error "unable to find target partition xxx" after partitioning as well, mostly when restoring systems installed with a nvme device. At first I thought it had something to do with how the systems were booted (Legacy or UEFI boot mode), since changing that setting in the BIOS seemed to work. Sometimes cleaning the disk entirely with diskpart also seemed to help. But I found out that that was just a coincidence, because just restarting Clonezilla from the menu and trying again also helped. The second time (sometimes the third) partitioning worked like a charm and restoring as well. So it was something that happened randomly.

      Long story short, I found this post and changed the two "sleep 2" commands in function inform_kernel_partition_table_changed to "sleep 3", created a new filesystem.squashfs with the updated function and placed that on our Clonezilla SE server. So far we haven't had the "unable to find target partition xxx" again. Although I have to admit that it hasn't been very busy at the office lately so we haven't been able to test it extensively. I will let you know in this thread if the situation changes.

      At the moment we are using the clonezilla-live-20170905-zesty-amd64 version, but I have tested with newer releases which had the same issue.

      I thought I would let you know so you might consider changing the sleep 2 command in future releases of Clonezilla Live if more people start to have this issue. I remember having seen a couple of posts about this error the last couple of months.

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2018-01-03


    I add some codes to force to run inform_kernel_partition_table_changed in the function restore_hidden_data_after_MBR of ocs-functions. It might help to fix this issue. Could you please test Clonezilla live 2.5.5-19 or 20180102-*?
    Please let us know the results. Thanks.


    • Arthur Tromp

      Arthur Tromp - 2018-04-11

      Hi Steven, sorry for my very late response. Since recently we are using version clonezilla-live-20180219-artful-amd64 and we haven't seen this error again. So thank you for solving this.

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2018-04-17

    OK, thanks for your update.



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