
Restoring an image of an HP Stream Laptop in UEFI Secure Boot Mode

  • Bret

    Bret - 2015-05-06

    I have been successful in cloning the HP Stream laptop but when I go to restore I get an error about the partition. Then once I reboot the image I just created has been destroyed or maybe just the boot sector on the hard drive has been altered. Any suggestions?

  • Bret

    Bret - 2015-05-06

    Here is my code:

    menuentry "CHzilla Restore"{
    search --set -f /live/vmlinuz
    linux /live/vmlinuz boot=live username=user config quiet noswap edd=on nomodeset nodmraid noeject locales="en_US.UTF-8" keyboard-layouts=NONE ocs_prerun1="dhclient -v eth0" ocs_prerun2="sleep 2" ocs_prerun3="sudo mount -t cifs // /home/partimag -o user=swinneyb,password=*" ocs_live_run="ocs-sr -batch -g auto -e1 auto -e2 -r -j2 -p reboot restoredisk ask_user sda" ocs_live_extra_param="" ocs_live_batch=no vga=792 ip= nosplash i915.blacklist=yes radeonhd.blacklist=yes nouveau.blacklist=yes vmwgfx.enable_fbdev=1
    initrd /live/initrd.img


    menuentry "CHzilla Clone"{
    search --set -f /live/vmlinuz
    linux /live/vmlinuz boot=live username=user config quiet noswap edd=on nomodeset nodmraid noeject locales="en_US.UTF-8" keyboard-layouts=NONE ocs_prerun1="dhclient -v eth0" ocs_prerun2="sleep 2" ocs_prerun3="sudo *" ocs_live_run="ocs-sr -q2 -batch -j2 -rm-win-swap-hib -z1p -p true savedisk ask_user sda" ocs_live_extra_param="" ocs_live_batch=no vga=792 ip= nosplash i915.blacklist=yes radeonhd.blacklist=yes nouveau.blacklist=yes vmwgfx.enable_fbdev=1
    initrd /live/initrd.img


    Any help or guidance you can give would be greatly appreciated!

  • Bret

    Bret - 2015-05-06

    Here is what I get

    • ndog37

      ndog37 - 2015-05-09

      You may have to use a different clonezilla version, and see what happens if you disable secure boot mode (leave EFI on)

      If still not working

      ctrl + alt + f2 (to change to tty2)

      sudo su
      fdisk -l
      gdisk /dev/sda

      what does it see as far as your disk parameters?

      • Bret

        Bret - 2015-05-11

        Here is what i got

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2015-05-10

    Did you try Clonezilla live 20150505-vivid?

    Same issue?


    • Bret

      Bret - 2015-05-11

      Same issue

      • Steven Shiau

        Steven Shiau - 2015-05-29

        Could you please do one more test,
        1. rename the file "sda-gpt.gdisk" in the image dir to other name, like:
        mv YOURIMAGE/sda-gpt.gdisk YOURIMAGE/sda-gpt.gdisk.bak
        2. Then restore the image again.
        By doing this, Clonezilla will use another method to create the GPT partition table.
        Please let us know the results.


  • FPhdeNK

    FPhdeNK - 2015-05-16

    I ran into this exact problem with latest alternative (20150217-utopic). Also on an HP Stream, running Windows 8.1.

    I tried restoring it using the latest alternative testing (20150512-vivid), same problem.

    Then I started from scratch - I tried saving the image AND restoring from alternative testing. Then this problem did not occur.

    It seems this is the same problem in where the older version of sgdisk screws up when saving. The older image is not readily usable, best thing is to probably re-save the image with the newer version if possible.

    To salvage my older image I had to do the following:

    1. Recreate the exact partitions manually with parted; by comparing with the output from mmcblk0-pt.parted
    2. Restore with the -k switch so as to not recreate the partition table.
    3. Windows will now attempt to boot but immediately error.
    4. Ran the the Windows setup disk, went to Repair, opened a command prompt.
    5. Ran bootrec a few times with each option: /FixMbr, /FixBoot, /RebuildBcd. I doubt all three of these were needed, but I was able to boot Windows after this.
    6. I also had to run a chkdsk within Windows before saving again (partclone complained about a dirty volume first time).

    (Unfortunately with that fixed I'm now running another error instead, although it looks like I can still restore successfully: )

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2015-05-29

    Thanks for sharing that.
    Apparently we should release the next stable release based on gdisk 1.0 asap.


    • WayneH

      WayneH - 2015-07-07

      Just wanted to post my results when I faced the same issue.

      As Steven posted above:

      "1. rename the file "sda-gpt.gdisk" in the image dir to other name, like:
      mv YOURIMAGE/sda-gpt.gdisk YOURIMAGE/sda-gpt.gdisk.bak
      2. Then restore the image again.
      By doing this, Clonezilla will use another method to create the GPT partition table."

      This worked perfectly for me. After renaming sda-gpt.gdisk and then trying to restore the image to the disk, it simply threw and error stating that 'the backup partition appears to be corrupt' but the primary isn't just before creating and restoring each partition.

      Windows 8.1 then rebooted without any errors or issues. The version of Clonezilla that I created the image with was clonezilla-live-2.3.1-18-amd64 (and after fighting with the image over the network I copied the image to an old linux box (where I plugged in the HDD) and used clonezilla-live-2.4.2-10-i586 to restore the image to the HDD.

      I will note that just before this I had created 4 partitions and using mkfs.ntfs formated each of them although I don't think this had any bearing on the result as the image that was being restored couldn't get past the first partition and the source image contained 6 partions that were to be restored.

      Thank you for the simple fix Steven. Hopefully this helps others as well.

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2015-07-08

    Thanks for confirming that. This latest stable Clonezilla live has used gdisk/sgdisk 1.0. However, the image saved by older version of Clonezilla live still has broken GPT table. I believe if you save the image with latest Clonezilla live, this issue should be gone.



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