
#61 clonezilla deleted files on failure


I am trying to make a backup of a machine, and during the backup process it failed, then clonezilla proceeded to delete all my files on the network share that I was saving my backup to!

Are you sure you want to continue? ? (y/n) y
OK, let's do it!!
Checking the integrity of partition table in the disk /dev/sda...
Reading the partition table for /dev/sda...RETVAL=0
The first partition of disk /dev/sda starts at 63.
Saving the hidden data between MBR (1st sector, i.e. 512 bytes) and 1st partition, which might be useful for some recovery tool, by:
dd if=/dev/sda of=/home/partimag/2010-02-22-08-img/sda-hidden-data-after-mbr skip=1 bs=512 count=62
62+0 records in
62+0 records out
31744 bytes (32 kB) copied, 0.0180364 s, 1.8 MB/s
Saving the MBR data for sda...
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.000877871 s, 583 kB/s
/dev/sda1 is mounted! You have to unmount the /dev/sda1!!!
Clean the incomplete image /home/partimag...
removed `/home/partimag/1000Tokens.dmp'
removed `/home/partimag/'
removed `/home/partimag/100TokensFromPCC1750-09.dmp'
removed `/home/partimag/2010-02-22-08-img/sda-chs.sf'
removed `/home/partimag/2010-02-22-08-img/sda-hidden-data-after-mbr'
removed `/home/partimag/2010-02-22-08-img/sda-mbr'
removed `/home/partimag/2010-02-22-08-img/sda-pt.parted'
removed `/home/partimag/2010-02-22-08-img/sda-pt.sf'
removed directory: `/home/partimag/2010-02-22-08-img'
removed `/home/partimag/APC Temp Sensor/Old firmware 3.0.4/apc_hw02_aos_202.bin'
removed `/home/partimag/APC Temp Sensor/Old firmware 3.0.4/apc_hw03_aos_303.bin'
removed `/home/partimag/APC Temp Sensor/Old firmware 3.0.4/apc_hw03_mem_304.bin'
removed `/home/partimag/APC Temp Sensor/Old firmware 3.0.4/config.txt'

It keeps going on, many files were removed! Luckily I hit ctrl+c, but it still removed thousands of files, now I have to recover those.


  • Chris Cooper

    Chris Cooper - 2010-02-22
    • priority: 5 --> 9
    • summary: clonezilla deleted files --> clonezilla deleted files on failure
  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2010-02-22
    • assigned_to: nobody --> steven_shiau
  • Chris Cooper

    Chris Cooper - 2010-02-22

    PS. Next time you can run this command directly:
    /opt/drbl/sbin/ocs-sr -q2 -c -j2 -z1p -i 2000 -p true savedisk "2010-02-22-08-img" "sda"
    This command is also saved as this file name for later use if necessary: /tmp/ocs-2010-02-22-08-img-2010-02-22-08-20

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2010-02-23

    So you mount /dev/sda1 after you see the prompt in green? Otherwise there is no reason Clonezilla will include a busy partition in the list.
    Anyway this bug has been fixed and commit to the CVS. A new release of testing Clonezilla live will be ready very soon.


  • Chris Cooper

    Chris Cooper - 2010-02-23

    I had a stale mtab file which was part of the problem, the drive wasn't actually mounted. I'm not sure if that is what caused the problem or not, but thanks for the fix. It is partially my fault for not using a staging environment anyway.

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2010-02-24
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2010-02-24

    We believe this issue has been fixed in clonezilla-live 1.2.4-7 in the testing branch. If you can, please test it.
    Of course, remember to backup important data, especially the images files before you use this release.
    I am closing this bug, and if you find this issue is not fixed, please reopen it.


  • tybreizh

    tybreizh - 2015-09-02

    I've got the same situation, I 've no idea what's wrong.
    attached are print screen of teh client boot
    and all config files
    thanks for helping.

  • tybreizh

    tybreizh - 2015-09-02

    For the next one with the same issue, here is a solution:
    with drblpush -i
    disable diskless use


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