
0.7.0 release

large number of bug fixeds/updates

Of Note:

- There are now three kinds of parameter whcih can be defined
a) integer ranges (will be enforced upon entry)
b) selection list; user chooses from a number of values
c) regular expressions

- parameter autocompletion is available for selection lists.

- a new lub_heap component has been introduced. This is a
(high performance) dynamic memory manager, which has
integrated leak detection. Although not integrated with
CLISH by default this was used during development of this
release to track leaks and corruptions under VxWorks.

- NB. The new parameter auto-completion means that
(for the time being) optional switches for a command do
not work.
If you require this then please use 0.6.3.

Posted by Graeme McKerrell 2006-06-02

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