Olaf Barthel - 2015-01-20

Hm... what do you mean by ctype? clib2 implements the complete set of functions defined in 'ctype.h'. What is missing you expected to be present?

As for libamiga, its purpose is not exactly the focus of clib2. The original amiga.lib, of which libamiga.a is a conversion, contains both utility functions such as BeginIO(), RemTOF() and SetRexxVar(), as well as library function stubs such as for dos.library/Open(), exec.library/AllocMem(), etc. In clib2 I only provided the utility functions, and I even ported the ARexx utility functions to 'C' (they are needed by the AmigaOS4 version of CygnusEd, for example). The library function stubs are absent because the recommended way is to use inline interface header files, like '"#include "proto/dos.h"'.

The "timeradd.h" file you mentioned seems to be a platform specific header file. clib2 was originally written so that I could port Samba 2.2.x to the Amiga and it was also helpful in porting the subversion command. For these I added library functions which come from the Unix domain, mostly. There is no clear line between POSIX functions and everything else, but I tend to put functionality into the library which is not restricted to one specific purpose: library code and header files ought to be useful for everybody.