
Command Line Assistant / News: Recent posts

Command Line Assistant 0.9.0 released.

First release of Command Line Assistant, which is a Graphical User Interface aimed at helping the usage of the Command Line Interface. It is basically an application to build commands to be used at the CLI prompt.

The GUI is built around the Java Swing FileChooser component, to allow the quickest possible navigation of the file system. The selection of a file leads to the availability of the path name which will be readily available in a textfield to be used inside CLI commands.

The path name to a file and the change directory command are both available with a click of a button. Commands acting on a selected file may also be built by filling the "pre pending" and the "appending" fields, so the typing of a filename at the Command Line can be completely avoided.

It is also possible to memorize the 10 most used commands in a text file, from which they can be read to populate the form where they will be ready to be copied and pasted to the CLI.

Posted by origlio 2008-08-24