
run classweb on a paid hosted website

  • Antonio Navarro

    Antonio Navarro - 2001-12-15

    I want to run classweb on a paid hosted website. The problem is when I make a new course, because the new directory created has the user and group of the apache conf, not my user and group in that server, so I can't access to it for modifiy or add files to the private dir. I've tried with the %customgroup in the file but it doesn't work. Your suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

    • Mike Franks

      Mike Franks - 2002-01-17

      Check with your web hosting company to see if they can have scripts run in your account name. That way the files will be created with you as the owner. I've never done this but I've heard of it being done.

      2nd option is if they'll give you either a group that you share in common with the web daemon or give you Access Control List permissions (setfacl and getfacl in Unix) to have write access to the files and directories your script creates. See if you have those commands yourself. You could build that into the ClassWeb setup script ( so that you have ACL permissions for every directory created and the files later created there.

      Worst case, very insecure, but you could make the files world-writable.


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