
upstream changes

  • Kevin Branigan

    Kevin Branigan - 2015-10-01

    Hey, I forked your code a while ago on github and a bunch of people have added features and changes - wondering if you wanted me to upstream those changes. The repo is here:

  • Weston T. Schmidt

    Dave / Kevin - It's been a few months, have you figured out how you want to proceed? I would like to point to the right upstream version for some new projects.


  • Dave Gamble

    Dave Gamble - 2016-03-19


    Kevin has done fantastic work. I'm really sorry I've been lax in supporting things. Moving to github is an excellent idea.

    With the caveat that I'm not entirely experienced in the etiquette of github, I've set up a repo here:

    which includes all the fixes reported, and all of Kevin's great work.

  • Weston T. Schmidt

    Great! Thanks for making this pretty easy. I'm repointing our projects to your upstream version, Dave. I made the transition to git (and github) a bit over a year ago (at work). It takes some practice, but the pull requests make it much easier to accept changes from folks.

  • fsa df

    fsa df - 2020-10-16
    Post awaiting moderation.

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