
#125 logisim 2.7.1 cannot start


When i double click logisim 2.7.1 it doesn't start. it freezes in the 'creating file' process at start up.


  • Dariff Marquez

    Dariff Marquez - 2012-01-19
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Same problem that I have

  • Carl Burch

    Carl Burch - 2012-03-12

    Yes, there is a bug here that I admit is quite a problem! It happens when Logisim is configured to use an "empty template." In the meantime before a new Logisim version is released, I suggest starting from the command line with the "-plain" option:

    java logisim-generic-2.7.1.jar -plain


    logisim-win-2.7.1.exe -plain

    Once it starts, I recommend going into File > Preferences... under the Template tab and ensuring that "Plain template" is selected.

    Alternatively, you can try to figure out where in the filesystem Java stores your preferences for Logisim (~/.java/.userPrefs/com/cburch/logisim/prefs.xml on my Linux system) and deleting that file.

  • Dan Richeson

    Dan Richeson - 2014-04-28

    Ok, so, In the start menu, run, I type (in my case) c:\program files\logisim\logisim-win-2.7.1-plain. Is that what you are saying or am I missing something. I've tried deleting and reinstalling logisim and that doesn't work. Going to a previous restore point doesn't work. Deleting and reinstalling java, will that work? I miss my logisim!

  • Dan Richeson

    Dan Richeson - 2014-05-06

    Sound of crickets chirping....

  • Carl Burch

    Carl Burch - 2014-05-06

    You don't really explain what happens with the "-plain" option, but I assume it still tried to start and failed, just as before. Your problem may be that you left out the space between ".exe" and "-plain".

    Or if that's not the problem, try "logisim-win-2.7.1.exe -clearprefs" (it deletes all your Logisim preferences).

  • Carl Burch

    Carl Burch - 2014-05-06

    Or it may be a problem with the space in your pathname, which the Windows command interpreter may see as two different commands. So try:

    "C:\program files\logisim\logisim-win-2.7.1" -plain

    (The quotes around the command are intentional.) Or

    C:\program\ files\logisim\logisim-win-2.7.1 -plain

    Or (reverting to MS-DOS 8+3 backwards compatibility)

    C:\progr~1\logisim\logisim-win-2.7.1 -plain

    If all of these fail, and the "-clearprefs" option also fails, then please provide a description of what happens.

  • Frank Hegner

    Frank Hegner - 2014-06-12

    Some time ago i had this problem too. IIRC i've solved this with dragging a *.circ file onto the Logisim icon, whereupon it opened this file.
    Then you can change the configuration that this failure doesnt't occurs again.

  • Karlo Mugen

    Karlo Mugen - 2017-03-18

    Help me create japanesse abacus in logism plss
    need it very much

  • Nathaniel Dickson

    Logism - I know this is going back some years but Logism is appretiated here. My daughter asked me how a calculator works, so I'm trying to show her with this wodnerful programme. Thanks


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