
V1.3.0 Query error

  • Tim goldsmith

    Tim goldsmith - 2017-01-10

    I downloaded Ubuntu serever 16.10 and created a LAMP server. Had problems installing the stable version and once install had problems with the php MySql calls. They had all been replaced with mysql_ changed to mysqli_. I noticed on the forum a link to version 1.3.0. I understand it is in beta since it hasn't been released as stable. Rebuilt the LAMP server and everything went better. Logged in and entered a single family with husband and spouse. Went to Data/Reports>Report Menu>Directory report to print out the family I had just entered. Received the following error
    Cannot execute query.

    (SELECT , 0 AS memberCount, per_LastName AS SortMe FROM person_per LEFT JOIN family_fam ON per_fam_ID = fam_ID WHERE per_fam_ID = 0 AND per_cls_ID in (1,2,5,4) ) UNION (SELECT , COUNT() AS memberCount, fam_Name AS SortMe FROM person_per LEFT JOIN family_fam ON per_fam_ID = fam_ID WHERE per_fam_ID > 0 AND per_cls_ID in (1,2,5,4) GROUP BY per_fam_ID HAVING memberCount = 1) UNION (SELECT , COUNT(*) AS memberCount, fam_Name AS SortMe FROM person_per LEFT JOIN family_fam ON per_fam_ID = fam_ID WHERE per_fam_ID > 0 AND per_cls_ID in (1,2,5,4) GROUP BY per_fam_ID HAVING memberCount > 1) ORDER BY SortMe

    Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'churchinfo.person_per.per_ID' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

    I am really looking to churchinfo as a solution to several problems our church has. Let me know what I can do to help. Loading the stable release does not seem a viable option on the latest release of Ubuntu server. Please let me know what I can do to help with this.

  • Michael Wilt

    Michael Wilt - 2017-01-10

    Hi Tim,

    I just tested this on the demo site which is also created nightly and did not get the SQL error. I did notice that the directory will not pick up any people by default unless they are edited to assign membership status.

    I am getting pretty confident in this new version and appreciate any testing and feedback. Thank you!


    Michael Wilt
    ChurchInfo Team Leader


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