Activity for Chromis Kitchen Screen

  • Giuseppe Groth Giuseppe Groth created ticket #8

    Waiter Calling System

  • kml azz kml azz created ticket #7

    allow or deneid Overreid Ticket of other employers

  • Abhishek Saggar Abhishek Saggar created ticket #6

    how to connect kitchen screen with differnet pos

  • John L John L posted a comment on ticket #5

    the order time is recorded when the kychen screen is used

  • John L John L posted a comment on ticket #5

    Ticket moved from /p/chromispos/bugs/169/ Can't be converted: _milestone: Next Full Release

  • John L John L posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi All I have taken the decission to move the Kitchen screen over to the Chromis forum, this should allow for easier monitoring and support. John

  • Chazzy Wise Chazzy Wise posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    hi guys i'm a newbie here and i got all reports error for my CHROMIS POS v0.58.5.7a. i' im using linux mint. I am not a programmer and recently use linux too so I'm still analysing how this operating system works. I saw somebody suggested me using jaspersoft studio. But when I installed it, I got lot of error too Anyone is willing to help with step by step approach? many thanks! These are my error screenshots

  • Gman500 Gman500 modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

  • Nick Deppe Nick Deppe posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    First off, both your ChromisPOS instance and Chromis Kitchen Display instance must be connected to the same database. POS writes the order data to the database, and Kitchen needs to read the data. If they're connected to different database, they won't be able to share the same data. Here are a few things to check. I'm assuming you will be running the MySQL server on the machine that is running the POS software. Are you connecting to the correct IP address? Check the IP address of the machine that...

  • chris J. chris J. modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

    fanzam i hef the same prob end error mesage as dsmobile i use chromis pos v0.81 and kc v1.70 chris j

  • chris J. chris J. posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    fanzam i hef the same prob end erroe mesage as dsmobile i use chromis pos v0.81 and kc v1.70 chris j

  • chris J. chris J. posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    try to turn off firewall chris j

  • Michael Ericksen Michael Ericksen posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Update: I got the kitchen display working properly when installed on the same windows 7 computer. What I need help with is installing the kitchen display software to show up when on a different computer. Thanks

  • Michael Ericksen Michael Ericksen modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

  • Michael Ericksen Michael Ericksen posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    I set up Chromis .81 and Mysql datbase on main computer and is working fine. I download software for Chromis Kitchen display on another computer. I typed in the database name in the URL of configuation page. I then typed in user name and password. I got a box that says it would not connect to database. I then tried downloading Mysql to that computer and creating schema with same database name. The software now opens, but orders do not show up and could use some help, this is all new to me. I have...

  • Michael Ericksen Michael Ericksen posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    I am having problems getting kitchen screen to work. I have V .81 of Chromis installed and v1.7 of Kitchen Screen installed. I followed the steps above and it says that it is sent to kitchen display, but nothing shows up on other computer. I downloaded mysql on other computer and have it set with same database name. Thanks for any help.

  • theBat theBat posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi all, I was wondering if it were possible to create a running total of table orders instead of creating a new order on another part of the kitchen screen. eg. you sent an order to the kitchen for table 1 and it goes to the upper right most Column of the kitchen screen, you then send an order for table 2 and it goes to the next column. If you then send another order for table 1 that order then occupies the 3rd column. What i was wondering is if it is possible for the order to simply add to the first...

  • Gman500 Gman500 posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hello All, I really need your help. I am installing the kitchen screen and it freezes when trying to connect to the db. Im updating windows to see if there is an issue. Im running win 8.0 for the kitchen screen just because. In the db field I left everything the same but am changing the db address to reflect the ip address of the pos pc. Is this the proper way? I dont see how it will find the db using local host since the db is being hosted on the pos machine!!!! Please advise. In other words how...

  • Ebro Rise Ebro Rise posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    I have the exact same problem as dsmobile. Also the raspberry pi installation I did does not work either... the pi shuts down when I start the Kitchen display application.

  • Jorge Fuentes Jorge Fuentes posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi all! I need help with the kitchen screens. My setup is I have 2 kitchen screens, one for the grill one for the sushi bar, they both display the same info for coordination purposes. The only problem I have is that when an item is marked as completed in the grill screen it will get removed from the sushi screen and viceversa. Anyway to make them work independently? Thanks in advanced! Jorge

  • Fanzam Fanzam posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi Nick, I believe this should be fixed and the kitchen screen should replicate what there is on the Sales Screen Regards Fanzam

  • Nick Deppe Nick Deppe modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

    One more thing - if you go with auxiliary products with the kitchen screen, you may want to modify script.ReceiptConsolidate to account for auxiliary products. The default script will consolidate the items in a way that may be confusing. For instance, if you have a Pizza + Pepperoni, and just a Pizza without any auxiliaries, you would end of with Pizza X2 + Pepperoni. I attached my modified version of script.ReceiptConsolidate that handles auxiliaries. The script just skips over any product that...

  • Nick Deppe Nick Deppe posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    One more thing - if you go with auxiliary products with the kitchen screen, you may want to modify script.ReceiptConsolidate to account for auxiliary products. The default script will consolidate the items in a way that may be confusing. For instance, if you have a Pizza + Pepperoni, and just a Pizza without any auxiliaries, you would end of with Pizza X2 + Pepperoni. I attached my modified version of script.ReceiptConsolidate that handles auxiliaries. The script just skips over any product that...

  • Nick Deppe Nick Deppe modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi Kevin, The Kitchen Screen software can only handle integers for quantity values. When a partial quantity is sent to the Kitchen screen, the quantity is rounded to the nearest integer. Without some programming, which would be tricky because programming would also need to go into ChromisPOS to make it work. Have you thought of changing the way you enter the products? The way we handle pizza is we have the base product for pizza, then we have toppings as auxiliaries. For each of our toppings, we...

  • Nick Deppe Nick Deppe modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi Kevin, The Kitchen Screen software can only handle integers for quantity values. When a partial quantity is sent to the Kitchen screen, the quantity is rounded to the nearest integer. Without some programming, which would be tricky because programming would also need to go into ChromisPOS to make it work. Have you thought of changing the way you enter the products? The way we handle pizza is we have the base product for pizza, then we have toppings as auxiliaries. For each of our toppings, we...

  • Nick Deppe Nick Deppe posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi Kevin, The Kitchen Screen software can only handle integers for quantity values. When a partial quantity is sent to the Kitchen screen, the quantity is rounded to the nearest integer. Without some programming, which would be tricky because programming would also need to go into ChromisPOS to make it work. Have you thought of changing the way you enter the products? The way we handle pizza is we have the base product for pizza, then we have toppings as auxiliaries. For each of our toppings, we...

  • Kevin Smith Kevin Smith posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hello, So far the kitchen screen is working properly and has been very useful in my pizzeria. I sometimes make 'half-half' pizzas. For example a pizza with one half pepperoni and one half eggplant. I then enter the items as 0.5eggplant pizza and 0.5pepperoni pizzas in the sales screen. However, when sent to the kitchen, they are displayed on the kitchen screen as full ones. This is misleading and might make us prepare one pizza pepperoni and one pizza eggplant in the example case. Would you have...

  • Fanzam Fanzam posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi dsmobile, Which version of ChromisPOS are you running? Also we need to know which version of kitchen screen you intend to use. Regards Fanzam

  • dsmobile dsmobile modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hello all, I have been trying for a few days to connect kitchen screen v1.7 to chromis v0.58.5.7a Although i have in chromis the products well setup with the "print to remote printer" on i press send to kitchen on the sales screen and the kitchen reciept appears on a screen printer, it does not go to kitchen pos. Actually my kitchenPos does not display a clock on the bottom left as well, although it correctly finds the database. I see the orders table in the database although i never see it populated...

  • dsmobile dsmobile posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Upon adding the line sales.kitchenOrderScreen(); I still have this error when sending the order to the kitchen uk.chromis.pos.scripting.ScriptException: Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``// script.SendOrder.txt // Sends an item in a Sale to a remote (Kitchen) Printer . . . '' : Error in method invocation: Method kitchenOrderScreen() not found in class'uk.chromis.pos.sales.JPanelTicket$ScriptObject' bsh.EvalError: Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``// script.SendOrder.txt // Sends an item in...

  • dsmobile dsmobile posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hello all, I have been trying for a few days to connect kitchen screen v1.7 to chromis v0.58.5.7a Although i have in chromis the products well setup with the "print to remote printer" on i press send to kitchen on the sales screen and the kitchen reciept appears on a screen printer, it does not go to kitchen pos. Actually my kitchenPos does not display a clock on the bottom left as well, although it correctly finds the database. Also tried to add the line sales.kitchenOrderScreen(); in scripts.sendOrder...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Believe it or not the time zone was different on the Kitchen Screen computer. This...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

    I'm not sure how to fix this. The kitchen screen order timer starts at -59:59 and...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

    I'm not sure how to fix this. The kitchen screen order timer starts at -59:59 and...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

    I'm not sure how to fix this. I have tried 1.7 and 1.62 so far. Java is 1.8U45 also...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

    I'm not sure how to fix this. I have tried 1.7 and 1.62 so far. Java is 1.8U45 also...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    I'm not sure how to fix this. I have tried 1.7 and 1.62 so far. Java is 1.8U45 also...

  • Veridea Jane Veridea Jane modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Thanks Frans. You Rock! Is there a way to make the Kitchen Screen Beep when a new...

  • Veridea Jane Veridea Jane posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Thanks Frans. You Rock! Is there a way to make the Kitchen Screen Beep when a new...

  • Frans Frans posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    It's still on GitHub: It's not...

  • Frans Frans posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    They are in the folder resources. Hereby attached.

  • Veridea Jane Veridea Jane modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is the creator, John L....still working with you guys on this? I just had a quick...

  • Veridea Jane Veridea Jane posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is the creator, John L....still working with you guys on this? I just had a quick...

  • Veridea Jane Veridea Jane posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    To answer my own questions, I believe this is done in the configuration window by...

  • Veridea Jane Veridea Jane posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    I need to make the orders do I increase the font size? I want everything...

  • Brian Clough Brian Clough posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    No problems Fanzam, I figured that was the intention of the coding...

  • Fanzam Fanzam modified a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi Brain, Orders done should not be deleted without any responsibilities. The kitchen...

  • Fanzam Fanzam posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi Brain, Orders done should not be deleted without any responsibilities. The kitchen...

  • Brian Clough Brian Clough posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi, I've looked through the resources and I have checked the user priviledges, and...

  • Fanzam Fanzam posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi Danny, Pickup Id is only available if you are in standard Mode otherwise it will...

  • Danny Danny posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Can i get the pickup-id in the kitchenscreen?

  • Fanzam Fanzam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marcus, Glad you make it work. As I said it was already reported and unfortunately...

  • Fanzam Fanzam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marcus, Glad you make it work. As I said it was already reported and unfortunately...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Fanzam, I figured out the issue. KS is working fine, but I was trying to let you...

  • Fanzam Fanzam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Fanzam, Sorry to hijack the thread. Do you currently have a raspberry pi? If not...

  • Fanzam Fanzam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marcus, As long this get your hardware to work will be ok. Currently I have the...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Fanzam, Sorry to hijack the thread. Do you currently have a raspberry pi? If not...

  • Fanzam Fanzam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marcus, More than let’s talk hardware this is more Software issue. From the screenshot...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Fanzam, I did follow the PDF. I'm just telling you that JRE doesn't have JavaFX in...

  • Fanzam Fanzam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marcus, Let’s focus at 1 problem at a time. I know we are in 2017 however the...

  • Fanzam Fanzam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marcus, Let’s focus at 1 problem at a time. I know we are in 2017 however the...

  • Fanzam Fanzam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marcus, Let’s focus at 1 problem at a time. I know we are in 2017 however the...

  • Fanzam Fanzam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marcus, Let’s focus at 1 problem at a time. I know we are in 2017 however the...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Fanzam, It won't run on Oracle because there is no JavaFX? From what I can understand...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Fanzam, It won't run on Oracle because there is no JavaFX? From what I can understand...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Fanzam, It won't run on Oracle because there is no JavaFX? From what I can understand...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Fanzam, It won't run on Oracle because there is no JavaFX? From what I can understand...

  • Fanzam Fanzam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marcus, Our code does not support OpenJDK, please remove and install ORACLE JAVA...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Fanzam, I cannot get an Elo Touch to work. Works fine in Xwindows but not with KitchenScreen....

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    "Starting with JDK 8u33, JavaFX Embedded is removed from the ARM bundle and is not...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Anyone know a good JDK or JRE to grab for raspberry pi? Everything I have tried has...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    they did.

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Did they take JavaFX out of SDK for pi?

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    if I run it like java -jar KitchenScr.jar it gives me a different error. unable to...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Chromis runs fine.

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    This is a raspberry pi 2 with an ELO touch screen attached and that is all. kitchen...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    DUPLICATE PLEASE DELETE. slow internet made me think I didn't press submit.

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Java -version java version "1.8.0_111" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14)...

  • Marcus Woods Marcus Woods posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Java -version java version "1.8.0_111" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14)...

  • Gregory Cohen Gregory Cohen posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    could someone post the source code for 1.7? Thanks.

  • Gregory Cohen Gregory Cohen created ticket #4

    Break line

  • Gregory Cohen Gregory Cohen created ticket #3

    Record how long it took to complete ticket

  • hendrik hendrik posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Hi I am new here, Firstly chromis is so great, thanks for making it. I have a question,...

  • Nick Deppe Nick Deppe posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Would it be possible to post the source code for the latest version (1.7) on GitHub?...

  • Gregory Cohen Gregory Cohen posted a comment on ticket #4

    Ok, i was working with an old version. Please mark this closed.

  • Gregory Cohen Gregory Cohen created ticket #4

    Product Auxiliaries not sorted with item

  • Gregory Cohen Gregory Cohen created ticket #3

    Linux installer won't work with recent version of Java by Oracle

  • Gregory Cohen Gregory Cohen posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    There has been an error. The install could not find a valid Java(tm) on this machine....

  • Frans Frans posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    I asked it already in the regular discussion forum - Help. But no solution so far....

  • Gregory Cohen Gregory Cohen posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Lofty Pursuits donated 35 (pounds) a week or so ago :) did that first. Happy to help...

  • Fanzam Fanzam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Gregory, If you like to give a donation to Nick you will have to send him a personal...

  • Gregory Cohen Gregory Cohen posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Nick, Old Openbravo user who just ported to Chromis. First of all your files worked...

  • Chromis Kitchen Screen Chromis Kitchen Screen released /NewInstaller/kitchenscr-1.70-windows-installer.exe

  • Frans Frans posted a comment on discussion Help Requests

    Problem solved. Forgot to open port 3306 (UDP) on the kitchen screen tablet. And...

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