
Tree [89871c] default tip /

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File Date Author Commit
 ChiralScroll 2023-03-07 Derek Derek [89871c] Explicitly clear contacts after moving from it....
 .hgignore 2021-04-21 Derek Derek [768cea] Use vcpkg manifest for dependencies.
 ChiralScroll.sln 2021-01-05 Derek Derek [18df34] Initial commit. Contains logic to separately re...
 LICENSE.txt 2021-04-09 Derek Derek [d81d9c] Add MIT license.
 README.txt 2021-04-24 Derek Derek [68ef65] Added more build information to readme.
 vcpkg.json 2021-05-01 Derek Derek [86ad04] Add logging, mainly for crash messages.

Read Me


Implements chiral scrolling for Windows 10 similar to the Synaptics driver that used to work on Windows 7. Uses raw touchpad input, so it should work on any laptop or other touchpad device.


To use, simply leave running in the background. ChiralScroll runs in the system tray.

To scroll vertically touch the right edge of the touchpad and drag up or down. To scroll horizontally touch the bottom edge of the touchpad and drag left or right. Once you start dragging you can continue to drag in circles to scroll coninuously.


Right click the tray icon and select settings. You can change the scroll speed for both horizontal and vertical scrolling, and the size of the edge zones that start scrolling. Settings are saved in a settings.ini file in the same directory. To reverse the scrolling direction, use a negative scroll speed.

The settings window lists all touchpad devices connected to the system. Should you have more than one, you can set them independently. The dvice names may not be obvous, so you may need to experiment to determine which device has which name.


Build using Visual Studio 2019.

wxFormBuilder must be installed in "Program Files (x86)". If it is installed elsewhere, you will have to change the Custom Build Tool command for ChiralScroll.fbp.

C++ dependencies should be installed automatically by vcpkg.

If you need to manually install dependencies, use vcpkg to install:
* abseil:x64-windows-static-md
* wxwidgets:x64-windows-static-md

The released version is based on the Debug build, and this is the version I recommend building. The Release build seems to have an issue where SendInput is occasionally very slow, causing scrolling to freeze.