
IAR KickStart Kit STM32F107VC

  • Mikkel Bandholm

    Mikkel Bandholm - 2010-11-30

    I am trying to get the chibios to run on this board but when I flash  the board with the blink example I doesn't seem to work . I have changed the code to use the palSetPad(IOPORT3, 7) so that I use the right port. I'm using the yagarto tool chain and eclipse as my ide. Do I have to configure chibios differently than the example(ARMCM3-STM32F107-GCC).


  • Giovanni Di Sirio


    Probably it is because the I/O pins are programmed for another board, most likely the pin of your LED is programmed as input.

    When porting to another board just follow this procedure:
    1) Create another directory under ./boards for your specific board then copy inside the files of another STM32F107 board.
    2) Edit the board.h file and setup all the I/O pins according to your board schematic (each pin must be programmed as input, input with pull-up, output, open drain etc, info are inside the file board.h). This is the part that requires a bit of work, you have to read the schematic. Unconnected pins should be programmed as input with pull-up.
    3) Duplicate the STMF107 demo into another directory, give it the name of your project.
    4) In your project modify the makefile in order to refer the new board files.
    5) Modify main.c (and you already did this).
    5) Compile and run.

    If you have trouble just ask.


  • Mikkel Bandholm

    Mikkel Bandholm - 2010-11-30

    Thanks for the quick reply. I am still having some problems i have configured my port like this:

    * Port C setup.
    * Everything input except:
    #define VAL_GPIOCCRL            0x33444444      /*  PC7…PC0 */
    #define VAL_GPIOCCRH            0x44444433      /* PC15…PC8 */
    #define VAL_GPIOCODR            0xFFFFFFFF

    but i still can't get the diodes to light op.

  • Giovanni Di Sirio

    The defines look correct.

    Are you able to debug inside Eclipse? it is important to understand if the code is really executed,

    Also verify if the Makefile refers the modified board.h or the original one, note that you have to put the correct path in the makefile and also in (i forgot to mention this…).


  • Mikkel Bandholm

    Mikkel Bandholm - 2010-11-30

    Thanks!!!! that solved the problem :D

  • Giovanni Di Sirio

    Very well :-)

    I am thinking to buy that board too, it looks really good.



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