
#156 errors reading multi line pgn formats

Database (53)

pgn is more human readable at 1 move per line.
chessx will only read the first few moves or none at all. (scid can read)

My workaround:
A white space converter. simple enough to script or program.
Eventually i hope to see chessx pgn parser grow to a hardy maturity.


  • xaosIncorporeal

    xaosIncorporeal - 2011-08-22

    2 pgn files that fail in chessX

  • Jens Nissen

    Jens Nissen - 2012-05-19
    • labels: --> Database
    • assigned_to: nobody --> hognose
  • Jens Nissen

    Jens Nissen - 2012-05-19

    Two different issues need to be addressed here:
    - Accept o-o as castling (we already accept O-O and 0-0).
    - Accept silly comments (here {?h?}

  • Jens Nissen

    Jens Nissen - 2012-06-05

    Actually, the files attached test into two more issues:
    - PGN files where the move count has no dot
    - PGN files with trailing blanks

  • Jens Nissen

    Jens Nissen - 2012-06-05

    The bug has been fixed in SVN.

  • Jens Nissen

    Jens Nissen - 2012-06-05
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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