
Just to say thanks

  • jago pearce

    jago pearce - 2003-09-15

    Just a short note to say thanks for Cheesetracker which love especially due to Alsa, good luck and keep doing what you do :)

    • WILL

      WILL - 2004-03-22

      I second the thanks! :)

      Scream Tracker and Impulse Tracker were the only good trackers released from the old days. Glad to see that the tradition is being kept.

    • Pedro Santelmo

      Pedro Santelmo - 2006-12-15

      Me too! I have never understood well how are trackers created, but are wonderful. I was also a fan of IT and ST. I am happy to find something better for my Linux box!
      I have noticed very little audience in this forum. I guess that fashion comes and goes. Let's wait 'till it comes again to the tracker world! And enjoy that arrival...
      Please, keep on improving. Thumbs up!
      Alberto ____
      \__EN__/ ES \___

      ¡Yo también! Nunca entendí bien como se hacen los trackers pero son maravillosos. Yo también era fanático de IT y de ST. ¡Me alegra hallar algo mejor para mi Linux!
      He notado, la poca audiencia de este foro. Me imagino que la moda va y viene. ¡Esperemos que vuelva otra vez al mundo de los trackers! Y disfrutemos de esa vuelta...
      Por favor, sigan mejorando. ¡Animo!


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