
Automatic login and -no-login seem broken

  • Chrom

    Chrom - 2009-11-28

    Hi all,

    I've updated checkgmail to the latest version as of today (28/11/2009) with

    /usr/bin/checkgmail -update

    But still when I left click on the icon Firefox opens (or opens a new tab) and takes me to the login page of gmail (with the username already set). This was not the usual behaviour, as I don't wanna login everytime I left click checkgmail.

    So I tried the -no-login option, and it works oddly in my opinion. On the first time I click the checkgmail icon it just brings me to the gmail login page (without username or password preset), so I have to manually login. At this stage, if I don't close firefox, and left click again checkgmail, it logs me in without needing to enter user/pass into gmail. If I close the browser, upon left clicking checkgmail, I'm sent back to the login screen.

    I find this quite unwanted because if I have to keep the browser open to autologin, then there's no real difference in using checkgmail or any other Firefox extension that checks gmail accounts.

    Is it a cookie problem? Can the old, always logged in, behaviour be restoerd?

    Thanks a lot for the support!


  • Chrom

    Chrom - 2009-12-06


    no one interested in this "bug"? Am I the only one wih this problem?



  • didli

    didli - 2010-06-10

    You're not the only one, and it's been 6 months since I got the problem too.


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