
#72 More Iupac name/structure mismatches

Daniel Lowe

(CHEBI:17337) The ChEBI name describes a different structure due to the 2-chloro applying to the acetic acid. The other conjunctively named synonyms are unambiguously correct.
(CHEBI:50972) Name specifies that the 4a/8a bond is unsaturated
(CHEBI:38239) Name specifies 4-[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino] but structure has 4-{[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]oxy}
(CHEBI:51224) (dimethylammonio) should be (dimethylazaniumdiyl). I think the first IUPAC name with alteration is better
(CHEBI:43561) Name says dimethylamino but the structure and synoymns are just methylamino
(CHEBI:51615) ChEBI name should be 4-Dimethylamino-4'-nitrostilbene
(CHEBI:33325) Another buggy InChI
(CHEBI:52803) dimethylammonio --> dimethylazaniumdiyl and the first name is then fine
(CHEBI:51224) dimethylammonio --> dimethylazaniumdiyl and the first name is then fine
(CHEBI:32208) Structure is miss a ketone opposite the existing ketone
(CHEBI:7563) N-nicotinoylglycine would be a better ChEBI name as Nicotinyl is usually pyridin-3-ylmethyl rather than pyridin-3-carbonyl
(CHEBI:34495) Structure has an erroneous fluorine atom
(CHEBI:15836) IUPAC name should have dihydrogen rather than hydrogen
(CHEBI:2402) The sulfur appears to have a negative charge on it giving the whole molecule a negative charge, this seems suspicious
(CHEBI:33323) wrong InChI and smiles. Seems to apply to the other group 1 atoms e.g. (CHEBI:26216)
(CHEBI:3651) Name specifies that the 4a/9a bond is saturated but in the structure it is unsaturated
(CHEBI:2534) locant specifying the locantion of [(1R)-1-hydroxyethyl] is missing, should be 12-
(CHEBI:53051) thiocyanato instead of thiocyano would make a better ChEBI name in my opinion
(CHEBI:51522) The structure has only one nitrogen but the names and indeed the formula indicate that it should have two. with the second where the methyl attaches
(CHEBI:52888) dimethylammonio -->dimethyldiazandiyl
(CHEBI:53754) Name describes a di ether, but structure is a diester
(CHEBI:29147) Name says the 8a/1 bond is unsaturated
(CHEBI:5882) Structure is a salt but name does not have charges on the nitrogen/chlorine
(CHEBI:52220) dimethylammonio -->dimethyldiazandiyl
(CHEBI:28907) Name/structure mismatch significantly
(CHEBI:30307) Nitrogen to be substituted should be specified
(CHEBI:53728) Name is missing the two nitros on the benzene ring
(CHEBI:32643) ChEBI name and structure disagree on which way around the acetamido and formamido group are
(CHEBI:52887) dimethylammonio -->dimethyldiazandiyl
(CHEBI:39506) where the structure has phenyl the names have pyridin-4-yl
(CHEBI:39506) IUPAC name should contain azaniumyl, not azanyl. Is the structure methylnitronate?
(CHEBI:32314) Names says isoindolin-1-one but structure is indolin-2-one

Additionally I have a query regarding the structures of histidinate and tyrosinate.
Do you know whether it specifies in the IUPAC guidelines whether the ate form of these amino acids is if unqualified (1-) or (2-)?
For glutamate/aspartate it is specified that the ate form systematically means both acid groups are carboxylates. histidine/tyrosine however only have one carboxylic acid.

In my last post you stated that for names like diazanediium and hydrazinediium locants are not required. Do you know where it says this in the IUPAC draft recommendations?
I have so far found one name in it that seems to be almost a counterexample: tetramethyldiazen-1,2-diium (PIN) but no definitive word.

This is the last batch of name/structure mismatches (from a copy of ChEBI I downloaded near the beginning of May).
I have not so far been comparing stereochemistry between the names/structures but at a glance there would be a significant number of mismatches mainly due to either the name implying stereochemistry that has not been specified in the structure or due to the name omitting stereochemical information.


  • Daniel Lowe

    Daniel Lowe - 2010-07-08

    A couple more which appeared when I added diphospho to OPSIN's vocab.
    (CHEBI:978) and (CHEBI:1463) diphospho should possibly be diphosphooxy. diphosphooxy has been used on two other ChEBI entries. Personally I would be inclined to name such compounds as diphosphates as diphospho seems to often mean either P(=O)(O)OP(=O)(O)O or OP(=O)(O)OP(=O)(O)O depending on whether or not it is attached to an oxygen!

  • Marcus Ennis

    Marcus Ennis - 2010-07-08

    Hi Daniel

    Changes will be incorporated into our next release (August 4). Comments:

    (CHEBI:17337) The ChEBI name describes a different structure due to the 2-chloro applying to

    the acetic acid. The other conjunctively named synonyms are unambiguously correct.
    * I have added parentheses within the ChEBI Name so as to make this more representative of

    the structure.

    (CHEBI:50972) Name specifies that the 4a/8a bond is unsaturated
    * This is now just 7,8-dihydro.

    (CHEBI:38239) Name specifies 4-[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino] but structure has

    * I've removed the offending oxygen.

    (CHEBI:51224) (dimethylammonio) should be (dimethylazaniumdiyl). I think the first IUPAC

    name with alteration is better
    * Names amended.

    (CHEBI:43561) Name says dimethylamino but the structure and synoymns are just methylamino
    * I have removed the 'di'.

    (CHEBI:51615) ChEBI name should be 4-Dimethylamino-4'-nitrostilbene
    * Amended.

    (CHEBI:33325) Another buggy InChI
    * Being attended to by our developers

    (CHEBI:52803) dimethylammonio --> dimethylazaniumdiyl and the first name is then fine
    * Changed.

    (CHEBI:51224) dimethylammonio --> dimethylazaniumdiyl and the first name is then fine
    * Changed

    (CHEBI:32208) Structure is miss a ketone opposite the existing ketone
    * Structure corrected

    (CHEBI:7563) N-nicotinoylglycine would be a better ChEBI name as Nicotinyl is usually

    pyridin-3-ylmethyl rather than pyridin-3-carbonyl
    * Agreed. Both the ChEBI Name and the use of nicotinyl in the definition have been


    (CHEBI:34495) Structure has an erroneous fluorine atom
    * Corrected

    (CHEBI:15836) IUPAC name should have dihydrogen rather than hydrogen
    * Corrected.

    (CHEBI:2402) The sulfur appears to have a negative charge on it giving the whole molecule a

    negative charge, this seems suspicious
    * Yes, this was a mistake. I've removed the charge.

    (CHEBI:33323) wrong InChI and smiles. Seems to apply to the other group 1 atoms e.g.

    * Being attended to.

    (CHEBI:3651) Name specifies that the 4a/9a bond is saturated but in the structure it is

    * Double bond now inserted.

    (CHEBI:2534) locant specifying the locantion of [(1R)-1-hydroxyethyl] is missing, should be

    * Now added.

    (CHEBI:53051) thiocyanato instead of thiocyano would make a better ChEBI name in my opinion
    * Agreed. Name is changed.

    (CHEBI:51522) The structure has only one nitrogen but the names and indeed the formula

    indicate that it should have two. with the second where the methyl attaches
    * Structure corrected.

    (CHEBI:52888) dimethylammonio -->dimethyldiazandiyl
    * I assume you mean 'azaniumdiyl', not 'diazandiyl'. Corrected.

    (CHEBI:53754) Name describes a di ether, but structure is a diester
    * ChEBI Name and IUPAC name both updated

    (CHEBI:29147) Name says the 8a/1 bond is unsaturated
    * Structure was missing a double bond. Now inserted.

    (CHEBI:5882) Structure is a salt but name does not have charges on the nitrogen/chlorine
    * This one of the standard ways of naming hydrochlorides. However I've now added a second

    IUPAC Name formulated as "...aminium chloride". (Also, I noticed that the N was missing from

    the azepine ring)

    (CHEBI:52220) dimethylammonio -->dimethyldiazandiyl
    * ammonio changed to azaniumdiyl

    (CHEBI:28907) Name/structure mismatch significantly
    * Structure redrawn and name amended.

    (CHEBI:30307) Nitrogen to be substituted should be specified
    * Locant 5 added to IUPAC Name.

    (CHEBI:53728) Name is missing the two nitros on the benzene ring
    * Nitro groups now accounted for in both the ChEBI and IUPAC Names.

    (CHEBI:32643) ChEBI name and structure disagree on which way around the acetamido and

    formamido group are
    * All names and the structure now agree.

    (CHEBI:52887) dimethylammonio -->dimethyldiazandiyl
    * ammonio changed to azaniumdiyl.

    (CHEBI:39506) where the structure has phenyl the names have pyridin-4-yl
    * The missing N has been inserted into the structure.

    (CHEBI:39506) IUPAC name should contain azaniumyl, not azanyl. Is the structure


    (CHEBI:32314) Names says isoindolin-1-one but structure is indolin-2-one
    * Name updated.

    Additionally I have a query regarding the structures of histidinate and tyrosinate.
    Do you know whether it specifies in the IUPAC guidelines whether the ate form of these amino

    acids is if unqualified (1-) or (2-)?
    For glutamate/aspartate it is specified that the ate form systematically means both acid

    groups are carboxylates. histidine/tyrosine however only have one carboxylic acid.
    * No, I can't find anything specifically in the IUPAC recommendations regarding this. I

    think we may need to look at these entries in ChEBI again.

    In my last post you stated that for names like diazanediium and hydrazinediium locants are

    not required. Do you know where it says this in the IUPAC draft recommendations?
    I have so far found one name in it that seems to be almost a counterexample:

    tetramethyldiazen-1,2-diium (PIN) but no definitive word.
    * I was working from the text of draft P- which states " replacing the final

    letter ‘e’ of the parent hydride name, if any, by the suffix ‘ium’,
    preceded by multiplying locants ‘di’, ‘tri’, etc., to denote the multiplicity of identical

    cationic centres." It seems to me from this that if there are only two possible positions

    within a molecule where cationic centres can exist, then this wording dictates that when

    there are actually two positve charges then one must reside on each centre, in which case

    the locants (in this case 1 and 2) are redundant. I see the example that you cite and I

    shall query this point with the editors.

    This is the last batch of name/structure mismatches (from a copy of ChEBI I downloaded near

    the beginning of May).
    I have not so far been comparing stereochemistry between the names/structures but at a

    glance there would be a significant number of mismatches mainly due to either the name

    implying stereochemistry that has not been specified in the structure or due to the name

    omitting stereochemical information.
    * Perhaps you could send me a few examples?

    * Concerning the diphospho problem, I agree that these compounds would be better named as diphosphates were it not for the existence within the molecules of the cationic nitrogen and its 'ium' suffix. This takes priority over the phosphate ester for citation as principal group and relegates the diphosphate to being cited as a substituent prefix. In these cases we have used 'phospho' and 'diphospho' in accordance as much as possible with the 1976 CBN recommendations ( Certainly though, use of 'diphosphooxy' would help to avoid ambiguity. I may sound out Gerry Moss on this one.

    Many thanks as always for your input. I shall leave this thread open so that you can update me on the duplicate CHEBI:39506 problem (see comment above).


  • Daniel Lowe

    Daniel Lowe - 2010-07-08

    You are correct in pointing out that I meant dimethylazaniumdiyl in all cases I said dimethyldiazandiyl

    The missing ChEBI ID is (CHEBI:55327)

    My reason for quibbling the diazandiium is theoretically there is ambiguity that two protons could of been added to one of the nitrogens. Admittedly a penta valent double positively charged nitrogen is extremely unlikely so I probably should perform some sanity checking when applying unlocanted charge suffixes (currently the only sanity check that is performed is that the atom has sufficient protons to carry out the operation).

    I have emailed you the list of names that flag up as there being something awry stereochemistry wise.