
GroundBuilding and Diplomacy

  • Andreas Bauer

    Andreas Bauer - 2002-03-18

    Currently GroundBuildings speed benefits are applied to all Units. We should add a boolean to GroundBuilding saying FriendOnly (or so) When this flag is set only the units of the builder and those with whom he has aliances get the speed bonus. For example a train wouldn't take enemys with -> so no benefit

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2002-03-19

      I see two ways of attacking this issue.  One is to follow the civ model, where "ground buildings" (aka, tile improvements) can be used by anyone.  The other is that they can't be.  I can't imagine that we'd want some GroundBuilding's to be available for anyone and some only for friendly civs.
      On a related note, I've added a new boolean to GroundBuilding called isArmory.  Basically, this is how things are going to work.  Units are able to go to any City or GroundBuilding with the isArmory flag set they own and recharge all their ammunition (at a cost to the civ).  This way, fortresses could automatically recharge all ammunition.
      Also, I think we're going to add a new type of diplomacy.  Currently, we have alliances, which prevents allied civs from attacking each other.  However, these can be broken.  A federation will simply be an unbreakable alliance.  What will be cool about federations is that federated civs can win the game together.  Also, this will allow for the development of clans when we (eventually) have persistant universe games.
      What do you all think of that?  If you like the idea, it was mine; if not, it's Oren's fault (actually, we thought of it together).

      • Andreas Bauer

        Andreas Bauer - 2002-03-19

        For example a street could be used by any civ, while a wall will only block enemy units.
        I think the federation is a good idea.

        • Anonymous

          Anonymous - 2002-03-20

          A better way to do the wall is that there are only defender bonuses (which is what I have done I believe).  It makes sense that if you build and wall and then someone else captures it that they will be able to use it.

          • Andreas Bauer

            Andreas Bauer - 2002-03-20

            Doing my original idea isn't a big deal. Simply add the flag and in setRemCycle look if I can use it and the apply the benefit, if not ignore it.

            BTW: Hoe do I attack a Building? I can only set a Unit as Target.

            • Anonymous

              Anonymous - 2002-03-20

              But your idea is unrealistic; whoever is in control militarily of a ground building should be able to use the benefits.

              The idea of attacking buildings was another question I had.  I think that undefended buildings outside a city can be pillaged (a different type of attack not yet implemented) and buildings inside a city can be taken over (along with the city) when all defending units are gone.

        • Anonymous

          Anonymous - 2002-03-20

          Now, how should we allow people to join a federation?  It can't be that they can simply federate with one member of the federation and then be in.  I think that it should be done by voting.  When an individual attempts to join a federation, then all the Civs in the federation will be asked if the new civ should be let in.  A simple majority should do it.
          Also, a civ can only join one federation.  This will give people a deterrent to joining a federation too early, since once they're in, they can't change.

    • Asher Litwin

      Asher Litwin - 2002-03-20

      This message is more for the diplomacy aspect of this thread.  I know we already have thought about alliances and such, but I think there should also be a variety of treaties as well.  These treaties can be research treaties, trading agreements, peace treaties, whatever.  I don't know exactly what the arrangement with alliances will be (must there be contact with the other party b4 alliances can be made), although from what Michael was saying when he and I were talking was that there needn't be first contact.  However, with these treaties, there MUST be contact of some sort.  Once that contact is established, the player will be able to offer diplomatic proposals: treaties, demands, gifts, etc.  That way we add a little bit of the diplomatic aspect of civilization building to the game.  Feel free to alter my idea in any way that makes it more viable or interesting.... I just wanted to put it on the table :).
               Ad Astra Par Ardua
                   Asher Litwin

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2002-03-20

        Just a slight correction to what I had told you previously Asher.  There is absolutely no problem requiring contact between civs before diplomatic stuff goes on.  In fact, it would be better that way with how things are currently set up.

        I also think we should avoid making too many types of diplomacy.  A few basic ones should be enough.

      • Andreas Bauer

        Andreas Bauer - 2002-03-20

        When I see things right, we have the diplomacy status normal, peace treaty, enemy and federation. This should be enough. I think you must have contact to the civ before you can make treaty. The tech treating could be done through the trating plugin

        • Anonymous

          Anonymous - 2002-03-20

          I don't think we need to have a specific declaration of war; we should model things more like starcraft in this respect than civ (always at war unless otherwise stated).
          Also, we were talking before, and thought that maybe we would want to have the ability to trade techs, since this would make federations too powerful.  Instead, a research pact would increase both civs ability to research.

          • Andreas Bauer

            Andreas Bauer - 2002-03-22

            that's ok. Note that I will add diplomacy in the next release first.


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