
ChanServ IRC Services / News: Recent posts

ChanServ 1.0 To Be Relased Soon!

ChanServ 1.0 is 70 percent complete!
It can write to the MySQL database but not read. I hope to finish that aspect soon.
ReAn has almost completed the web front end. Ive tested it thus far and it works GREAT. I hope you are excited as I am. Oh and by the way our statistics state that CS is blowing SRVX outta the water. Let the best service rule! Let that service be ChanServ. :)

Posted by Brandon Jank 2001-11-13

CS 5.1

CS 5.1 is code from Chris Birch. We will not support it. It doesnt have MYSQL dbs or anything. Its for small nets as all channel info is loaded into memory. If you have more than 1000 chans it will leak and die. ChanServ 1.0 will support MySQL. I have it 75 % coded as of now expect ChanServ 1.0 to be released middle of next week. The web frontend will be released at the same time. Thanks!

Posted by Brandon Jank 2001-11-04