
Chan-SCCP channel driver for Asterisk / News: Recent posts

Move from SVN to GitHub

The move to github happened a little bit later then announced previously.

You can find the brand new Chan-SCCP github page here

Cloning / Checking out the new repository:
For branch v4.2 users

git clone
git checkout v4.2

Note: other branches also exist

For trunk/master users

git clone

For binary users... read more

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2016-04-23 Labels: git github issues patches donation wiki

Release v4.2.3

New Features in V4.2.3

  • Warning about use of ancient gcc compiler
  • New desktop/background images
  • New AMI Function:SCCPShowRefcount
  • Support for newer/future version of automake
  • Small size reduction of

Bug Fixes

  • Channel being left behind after hangup
  • Scheduled Hangup / Schedule Digit Timeout
  • Potential Deadlock Fallback Atomic Functions
  • MWI loosing track of new voicemails under certain circumstances
  • using gnu version of libiconv fixed
  • gen_sccp_enum improved / gnu awk extension dependency removed
  • set socket option should happen before binding to the socket
  • channel monitor/record handling fixed
  • Code cleanup / fixed memory leaks / fixed potential null pointer dereferences
  • Some smaller patches (Check ChangeLog for details)
Posted by Diederik de Groot 2016-02-14 Labels: v4.2.3 stable v4.2

Release V4.2 RC3

Working towards finalizing and releasing V4.2

New Features in V4.2:
- Added Support for Asterisk-12
- Added Support for Asterisk-13
- Support for IPv4 and IPv6
- Updated/Changed DTMF Handling to always take rfc2833
- Multi Channel Direct RTP (ie: SIP-SCCP direct media)
- Enums processed using awk generation script
- Support for named callgroup / pickupgroups when using >asterisk-11
- Added support for earlyrtp=immediate
- Added Scheduled Hangup (So that you can hear the hangupcause)
- Reworked digittimeout
- Improved sccp.conf / buttonconfig button change detection on sccp reload
- Allow HASH() dialplan function when using SCCPDEVICE(), SCCPLINE() and SCCPCHANNEL()
- Added Audio Quality Statistics in CHANNEL() and SCCPDEVICE() / SCCPCHANNEL)()
- Updated hangup / queue_hangup handling
- Support for UTF-8 config file (allowing accented characters in labels and description on older phones)... read more

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2015-04-26 Labels: V4.2 RC3

Stable V4.1 Release

Dear chan-sccp-b community,

Today we are proud to present the official stable release of chan-sccp-b V4.1. This release contains improvements, fixes, and new features.

With this release we now cover the wide range from asterisk 1.6.2 to asterisk-11. At the same time, the previous version V4.0 and earlier are now obsolete - there will be no further support and bug fixes for these versions.

You can download chan-sccp-b V4.1 at: read more

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2013-06-28 Labels: V4.1 STABLE

Stable V3.1 Release

Hi Guys,

After some integration and merging work we are proud to present V3.1 as a Stable Release. For all people using V3.0 up till now, please switch to using V3.1.

In V3.1 David has worked on improving Video support, whilst maintain full backward compatibility with V3.0, this means no major new issues should arise.

Please consider V3.1 our gift for Christmas 2011. We whish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2012.... read more

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2011-12-24

Issued Minor V3.0 Release

Hi Guys,

Just updated the downloadable files on the site for V3.0_STABLE (V3.0.3). Also updated the openwrt and other binary packages.


The Chan-SCCP-b Team

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2011-08-30

Replaced svn trunk with V4.0.0_DEV

Hi Everybody,

Today we published our chan-sccp-b code in svn trunk with support for asterisk 1.6.x, 1.8.x and 1.10.x.

It took a little longer than announce because of codec problems in the last couple of weeks. If you want ot remain on a stable version please use the branches for V3.x with will be maintained untill V4.0 is finished.

You are welcome to give the trunk version a try. We need some heavy duty testing at this moment, so we can start irradicating bugs.... read more

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2011-08-24

Added openwrt binaries to the download page

We added the openWRT packages for backfire 10.03 to the download page at:

If you are using an openWRT router, you can now enjoy chan-sccp-b V3.0.0 on it.

BTW: You might need a usb stick to get enough room to install all the asterisk packages.


The Chan-SCCP-b team.

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2011-07-31

Release V3.0.0 Stable

We have finaly issued Version 3.0.0 Stable.

If you are using SVN to keep up to date, we recommend switching to /branches/V3.0.0, using the following command:
svn switch


The chan-sccp-b Team

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2011-07-27

Issued Release Candidate 3.1

We have just issued Release Candidate 3.1, this is an intermediate release containing all the latest bug fixes but no new features. We have concluded the major overhaul of the locking system and would like everybody to benifit from the newest latest sources. Release 3.0 RC 3 is also still available.


The chan-sccp-b Team

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2011-02-10

Issued Release Candidate 3.1

We have just issued Release Candidate 3.1, this is an intermediate release containing all the latest bug fixes but no new features. We have concluded the major overhaul of the locking system and would like everybody to benifit from the newest latest sources. Release 3.0 RC 3 is also still available.


The chan-sccp-b Team

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2011-02-10

Trunk Undergoing Lock review

Hi everyone,

Trunk might be unstable for a couple of days, while code review and lock redesign is being performed. It might be wise not to update to the latest trunk release for a little bit.


The chan-sccp-b Team

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2010-11-12

RPM/DEB Packages on the Homepage

Hi Guys

The RPM and DEB Packages have been updated to RC3 on the homepage. No need to compile them yourself !


Posted by Diederik de Groot 2010-10-22

Today we present to you Release Candidate 3.0

Hello Everyone,

Today we present to you Release Candidate 3.0.

We have been working hard to get the last bugs out of this version. We
have added a couple of improvements, but the focus was on fixing BUGS.

We would like to move V3.0 into a stable release and need your help
to get there. We would like everyone to give this version a try and
report any bugs found. Please do not send Feature Requests for this
version. Bugs is what we need or rather can do without. As soon as we do
not receive any further bug reports we will make an official Release of
Version 3.0. ... read more

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2010-10-22

Chan_SCCP Version 3.0 Release Candidate 3.0

Version: 3.0_RC3

Added Functionality:
- DevState Feature Button (--enable-devstate)
- some parameters in configure have change from --with to --enable/disable.
A couple of parameters which used to be disabled are now enabled by
default. Please Check them !!
- Dynamic Speeddials (and dynamic speeddials with call info) for newer SCCP Phones
- Early Beginnings of Video Support... read more

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2010-10-22

Doxygen Change

Hi Guys,

By default "make doxygen" will now only generate the user-manual, and leave out all the developer information. To generate the developer documentation you need to add --enable-devdoc to you configure options.

For example:
./configure --enable-devdoc --enable-doxygen-pdf
make doxygen
will generate the developer documentation in html and pdf



Posted by Diederik de Groot 2010-10-10

configure with statements replaced by enable

Hi everyone,

To make the configure command conform to the autoconf specification i have replaced the old --with-???? statements, by --enable-???? and --disable-???? statements. This means that to enable core debugging you now need to use:
./configure --enable-debug

And to switch of realtime you would use:
./configure --disable-realtime



Posted by Diederik de Groot 2010-09-23

Version 3.0 Release Candidate 2

Hello Everyone,

Today we have issued Release Candidate 2 of Version 3.0. We would like to move V3.0 into a stable release and need your help to get there. We would like everyone to give this version a try and report any bugs found. Please do not send Feature Requests for this version. Bugs is what we need or rather can do without. As soon as we do not receive any further bug reports we will make an official Release of Version 3.0. ... read more

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2010-08-26

Version 3.0 Release Candidate 1

Hello Everyone,

Today we have finally created the first Release Candidate of Version 3.0. We would like to move V3.0 into a stable release and need your help to get there. We would like everyone to give this version a try and report any bugs found. Please do not send Feature Requests for this version. Bugs is what we need or rather can do without. As soon as we do not receive any further bug reports we will make an official Release of Version 3.0. ... read more

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2010-06-26

debug system changed

The debug system in chan_sccp-b trunk has been improved. It is now possible to specify different categories when you set "sccp debug" from the cli or in the config file. This should make it a lot easier to get the debugging you are interested in.

The New cli debug command looks like this:
sccp debug all
sccp debug none
sccp debug device,mwi,event
sccp debug no mwi

I hope this will help you a lot in helping us trace down bugs.... read more

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2010-04-03

Extended the project documentation

The project documentation has been extended. If you have any doubts about chan_sccp-b or would like to start using chan_sccp.b you could start by looking in the documentation via

I you want to help us develop chan_sccp-b further this is also the place to get started.

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2010-03-11

Updated the website

The chan_sccp-b website has ben updated and extended. You can have a look if you like. Just go to

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2010-03-11

Updated the website

Now then chan_sccp-b documentation is available directly on the website. Please check it out.

Posted by Diederik de Groot 2010-03-05

New Release 20071213

Make sure you don't miss the new release as of December 13th. Beyond some bug fixes it now supports distinctive ringing as soon you enable 'protocolversion = 5' in the sccp.conf. Also, direct Transfer of two calls is now available by 'select'ing two calls and pressing 'DirTrfr' afterwards - enjoy.

Posted by David Dederscheck 2007-12-15

New Release for Asterisk 1.2 and 1.4

Please visit the downloads page for the current release of November 11th, which is a merge of our latest development trees for asterisk 1.4 and 1.2 - just type make on any asterisk version.
The release includes numerous bug fixes and some enhancements, which includes support for Service URLs and calling hinted Speed Dials even when in use.

Posted by David Dederscheck 2007-11-11