
Problem to retrive service description

  • Stefano Lenzi

    Stefano Lenzi - 2004-07-21

    Whe control point try to get XML that describes Service, there is a problem in ControlRequest::setRequestHost(Service)
    at the following lines:
    String urlBase =
    if (urlBase != null && 0 < urlBase.length()){
       try {
          URL url = new URL(urlBase);
          String basePath = url.getPath();
          int  baseLen = basePath.length();
          if (0 < baseLen) {
             if (1 < baseLen || (basePath.charAt(0) != '/'))
                ctrlURL = basePath + ctrlURL;
       }catch (MalformedURLException e) {}

    the above code is correct only if the ctrlURL is a relative path. But the UPnP Specification said that the baseURL and evne the ctrlURL may be URI. In particular I had trouble with a ctrlURL that is a AbsolutePath instead of a RelativePath

    The solution (only for AbsolutePath) may be:

    String urlBase =

    if (urlBase != null && 0 < urlBase.length()){
       try {
          URL url = new URL(urlBase);
          String basePath = url.getPath();
          int  baseLen = basePath.length();
          if(ctrlURL.charAt(0)!='/' && 0 < baseLen) {
             if (1 < baseLen || (basePath.charAt(0) != '/'))
                ctrlURL = basePath + ctrlURL;
       }catch (MalformedURLException e) {}

    A complete solution for URI may be:

    String ctrlURL = service.getControlURL();

    URL ctrlFullURL = null;
    try {
       ctrlFullURL = new URL(ctrlURL);
       String host = ctrlFullURL.getHost();
       int port = ctrlFullURL.getPort();
       if(port == -1) port = ctrlFullURL.getDefaultPort();
    } catch (MalformedURLException ignored) {}

    <follow the old code with patch for Absolute ctrlURL>

    • Satoshi Konno

      Satoshi Konno - 2004-07-23

      Hi Stefano,

      Does your device has both the URLBase and the absolute path as the following ?


      Could the following code fix your problem ?

              String urlBase = service.getRootDevice().getURLBase();
              if (HTTP.isAbsoluteURL(ctrlURL) == false) {
              if (urlBase != null && 0 < urlBase.length()){
                  try {
                      URL url = new URL(urlBase);
                      String basePath = url.getPath();
                      int  baseLen = basePath.length();
                      if (0 < baseLen) {
                          if (1 < baseLen || (basePath.charAt(0) != '/'))
                              ctrlURL = basePath + ctrlURL;
                  catch (MalformedURLException e) {}

      • Stefano Lenzi

        Stefano Lenzi - 2004-07-24

        The device that I'm speaking about is the BinaryLight that come with the Siemens UPnP SDK. It's XML have either a URLBase and a absoulte path as controlURL.

        So, your fix thr problem with the example that you wrote and looking at UPnP Spercification it's valid

        To solve either my problem you have to add

        String urlBase = service.getRootDevice().getURLBase();
        if ((HTTP.isAbsoluteURL(ctrlURL) == false)&&(ctrlURL.charAt(0) != '/')) {
        if (urlBase != null && 0 < urlBase.length()){
        try {
        URL url = new URL(urlBase);
        String basePath = url.getPath();
        int baseLen = basePath.length();
        if (0 < baseLen) {
        if (1 < baseLen || (basePath.charAt(0) != '/'))
        ctrlURL = basePath + ctrlURL;
        catch (MalformedURLException e) {}

        P.S.: In my previus post the solution for contrlURL didn't call a method so my previous code should be
        String ctrlURL = service.getControlURL();

        URL ctrlFullURL = null;
        try {
        ctrlFullURL = new URL(ctrlURL);
        String host = ctrlFullURL.getHost();
        int port = ctrlFullURL.getPort();
        if(port == -1) port = ctrlFullURL.getDefaultPort();
        setURI(ctrlURL, true);
        } catch (MalformedURLException ignored) {}

        if(ctrlURL.length>0 && ctrlURL.charAt(0) != '/'){
        Here is the code of Thomas Schulz (2004/03/20)

        • Satoshi Konno

          Satoshi Konno - 2004-07-27

          Hi Stefano,

          Thanks for many suggestions :-)

          Wheren could I get the sample, BinaryLight ?

          I got the C++ and Java SDK of v1.01 today, but I couldn't only the TestDevice.

        • Satoshi Konno

          Satoshi Konno - 2004-08-04


          Umm ... It is a complex case.

          I checked your problem using Siemens Java SDK v1.01 for UPnP. However, It seems that the latest version has no URLBase.

          Intel's NMPR recommends the URLBase is blank. It might be changed for the NMPR

          Thanks for any advices :-)


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