
Cgreen reporter_start function

Javi Jap
  • Javi Jap

    Javi Jap - 2018-12-22

    In Cgreen documentation, in the section where it explains how to change Cgreen reporting it says:
    void (startsuite)(TestReporter reporter, const char name, const int count)
    This is the first of the callbacks. At the start of each test suite Cgreen will call this method on the reporter with the name of the suite being entered and the number of tests in that suite. The default version keeps track of the stack of tests in the breadcrumb pointer of TestReporter. If you make use of the breadcrumb functions, as the defaults do, then you will need to call reporter_start() to keep the book keeping in sync.

    But I don't find the reporter_start() function. What is it? where is it defined? if I try to use it, as the documentation suggest, I get an 'implicit declaration of function reporter_start' error. (Same with reporter_finish). I have searched for it in Cgreen sources but I don't find it.
    What am I missing? : /

  • Thomas Nilefalk

    Thomas Nilefalk - 2018-12-28

    Hi Javi!

    Are you using the latest cgreen hosted at GitHub?

    Please take any discussion there. I'll close down this forum now to steer all communciation to the GitHub repo.