
Python Computer Graphics Kit / News: Recent posts

cgkit 2.0.0alpha9 is available.

The release includes Windows binaries for Python 2.5 and 2.6 and an OSX binary for Python 2.5 (built on OSX 10.4).

Posted by Matthias Baas 2009-08-23

cgkit-2.0.0alpha8 is out

There are two new modules:

- cri: An alternative ctypes-based RenderMan binding that directly links to a renderer.

- mayabinary: Parse Maya binary files

See the changelog for a full list of additions/fixes.

Posted by Matthias Baas 2008-02-24

cgkit alpha7 & Python/Maya 0.9.3 is available

I've just released cgkit alpha7 and Python/Maya 0.9.3. Most work went into the Python/Maya package which has a lot of improvements (see the release notes).

Posted by Matthias Baas 2006-10-10

The code is now under Subversion control

I've moved the code base from CVS to Subversion. If anybody was using the cvs version then please check out a new version from svn instead.

The cgkit Python package is under cgkit/trunk and the Maya stuff is in maya/trunk.

- Matthias -

Posted by Matthias Baas 2006-05-29

alpha6 & maya 0.9.2

The alpha6 release of cgkit is out and an initial "preview" release of the Maya Python package. This package contains a Maya plugin to execute Python source code and a Python 'maya' package to access Maya data (you can invoke all MEL commands and you have about 80% of the Maya SDK classes available).

Posted by Matthias Baas 2006-04-13

Screenshots added

Finally, I've added some screenshots to the SF screenshots section. Two of the images are rendered with Aqsis ( and are generated using the 'grow' utility (which is available in the utilities directory). The other three images are examples of interactive applications. The first labyrinth screenshot was taken from the Ogre viewer (note the shadows). Physics is provided by ODE/PyODE ( &\).

Posted by Matthias Baas 2005-11-25

alpha4 is released

Major new functionality: The render tool can be used to bake texture maps (see tutorial on the web site). Partial support for importing Maya .ma files. Import/export of PLY files.
For a complete list of changes and bugfixes see the changelog.

Posted by Matthias Baas 2005-06-27

alpha3 is out.

See the changelog for a list of new features and bugfixes.

Posted by Matthias Baas 2005-04-15

Second alpha release of cgkit2.

Second alpha release of cgkit2. Major new functionality: Wrappers around Wintab by LCS/Telegraphics, 3DxWare SDK by 3Dconnexion and Glove SDK by 5DT.
See the changelog for a complete list of changes.

Posted by Matthias Baas 2005-01-20

First alpha release of cgkit2

First alpha release of cgkit2. Major new functionality: The kit can now maintain geometry in memory where it can be manipulated. This turns Python into a scripting language like MEL, MaxScript, etc. This release should be seen as an intermediate release that still lacks a lot of functionality. But on the other hand, there is also a lot of stuff that's already working, so it might already be useful in its current state.

Posted by Matthias Baas 2004-12-13

Release 1.2.0

This release contains a few small bug fixes. The Windows binaries were created with a more recent version of Pyrex which fixes a crash that occured in Python 2.2 during a garbage collection cycle after a vector has been unpacked. Python 2.3 was not affected by this bug.

Posted by Matthias Baas 2004-10-10

Release 1.1.0

Two new modules "cgkitinfo" and "slparams" and a bunch of fixes and additions (see changelog).

Posted by Matthias Baas 2004-01-19

Release 1.0.1: Fixed broken binary.

The binary for Python 2.2 was broken and the generated file cgtypes.c was a modified version for Python 2.3, Pyrex 0.8.2 and VC6 (which didn't work on Linux). Apart from that there's no difference from release 1.0, so if you got 1.0 to work you don't have to download this release.

Posted by Matthias Baas 2003-09-08

Release 1.0.

First non-beta release. See the change log for fixes and enhancements.

Posted by Matthias Baas 2003-08-31

3rd beta: cgtypes rewrite

Rewrite of cgtypes using Pyrex to speed up the types. The old pure Python cgtypes are still available in pycgtypes.

Posted by Matthias Baas 2002-12-07

Second beta version is available.

The noise module is far more complete now (pnoise, cellnoise, fBm, turbulence,...). The package should also compile under Linux without any problems. See the changelog for a complete list of changes.

Posted by Matthias Baas 2002-04-21

cgkit-1.0beta1 is available

The first beta version is available. The new types and the RenderMan binding are fully implemented. The other modules are still work in progress.

Posted by Matthias Baas 2002-04-05