

  • Fabrício Matheus Gonçalves

    First of all, thanks for the great tool.

    I would like more details about the search option, since I was not able to verify bad named files and files within wrong dirs.
    Would be great to search files by checksum, name or size.

    Maybe a option to move files to the right dir would be usefull too.


    • Matthew Mueller

      Matthew Mueller - 2004-10-14

      Currently search is only done per-dir, so files in other directories won't be found.  (I agree this should be mentioned in the manpage.)  I'd like to support cross-dir searching, though I don't have any estimate of when I may get time to do it.

      As for searching "files by checksum, name or size", I'm guessing you mean by manually entering the specifics of what to search for, with some command line options.  I'm not so sure about adding that, as I want to avoid bloating too much with features that aren't necessarily directly related to cfv's main purpose.  And searching by name/size can already be done with existing utils (eg, find).  Searching by checksum could be kludged pretty easily by "cfv -rr -C -f- | grep ..."


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