
Plans for 0.8


there will be a lot of changes in the 0.8 of Cewolf.
I implemented a server side image cache which will be configurable in memory size and expiration time of single chart instances. Future versions will also be able to cache the images as blob in a database.
Unfortunalety the cache implementation causes a lot of redesigns whcih will definitly affect alreayd productive Cewolf systems.
The chart definition is now separated from the image rendering. So the cewolf:chart tag does NOT add the image tag to the rendered HTML page anymore. Therfore a cewolf:img tag has been introduced which does the job.
The implementation of an image map which was called for severeal times will be included in the 0.8 as well.
The 0.8 will hopefully go beta in the end of the week and final end of the next week.
Stay tuned,

Posted by Guido Laures 2002-08-16

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