
Centraview localization

  • phtung

    phtung - 2005-08-24

    Dear all,

    I have downloaded centraview and install for testing, it work great. I'm a developer and try to build Vietnamese version for Centraview. I have reviewed the file and I think this not enought at all, could you tell me some things more to translate the al the interface from English to Vietnamese?

    Thanks you!

    • Kevin McAllister

      if you grab the source from CVS you will see that work has been done since the last release to help in that regard.  For instance in the file the static text objects now have additional constructors that take a resource bundle key as their last argument.  And this allows the i18n of text.  That part of the application is still in flux but in the coming week there will be a release with those fixes in.

    • nguenvanthai

      nguenvanthai - 2005-11-14

      i want email of tungph,so can you send for me your email?


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