
Setting up a cduck network and finding peers

  • Rob J Meijer

    Rob J Meijer - 2001-12-04

    If you are a user of cduck and want to find other people who
    can help you to make your domains into one with high q.o.s. url cloacking and dns, than for now this forum is a place where you may try to find other cduck users that are like you searching for other nodes to set up such a network with.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      I want to become a mini little hosting provider to my family and friends. I have a dsl connection with dynamic IP. I configure a linux machine with apache, mysql, etc. and I am using it now with services. (I am beginnig to play with high aviability too.)
      Is Cduck the software I need to convert a (or something) to a,, and so on?

      my e-mail address is

      thanks in advance!.


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        You could use some of the components from cduck combined
        with your apache server, however, cduck will is mainly
        designed for redundancy by using multiple low q.o.s. node's,
        so for a single node it might not be the best solution.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      check out, you get 5 free domain names, and they automatic update features.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Although related, the services offered by zoneedit do not adress the same issues that the cduck software does.
        With cduck the focus is on setting up distributed url cloaking using multiple low quality of service servers and lines (like a home Linux or FreeBSD server on cable or ADSL line). For this it uses as one of its main two components a DNS system.
        If you want a URL cloaking system and want 'full' controll over all subdomains served on your domains,  than find some friends with their own domains and set up a cduck cluster.
        If you are running services on your home DSL or Cable line like a webserver and are running FreeBSD or Linux, and would like to also run your own extremely secure DNS system than use cduck.
        If all you want is a simple click and go type of interface for maintaining the DNS records for your domains than go for
        a service like zoneedit.
        The two have some overlap, but I hope it is clear that they
        focus on two different kind of users.


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