
Errors in toc file

  • Wim Speekenbrink

    When I try to write a CD-R I get all kinds of errors in the toc file that Cdrdao has created itself with the read-cd command. The errors are:

    ERROR: d:\cdrdao.toc:9: Illegal token: \ ERROR: d:\cdrdao.toc:9: syntax error at "EOF" missing EndString
    ERROR: d:\cdrdao.toc:9: syntax error at "EOF" missing  Integer
    ERROR: Start position 0 exceeds available data of file "d:".
    ERROR: d:\cdrdao.toc:9: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
    ERROR: d:\cdrdao.toc:9: syntax error at "cdrdao.bin" missing Eof
    ERROR: d:\cdrdao.toc:17: Illegal token: \

    My command line with read-cd was:
    cdrdao read-cd --device 0,1,0 --driver generic-mmc --datafile d:\cdrdao.bin d:\cdrdao.toc

    The write command line I used was:
    cdrdao write --device 1,0,0 --driver generic-mmc d:\cdrdao.toc

    OS: Windows 2000 Pro
    CDROM: Philips 40x
    CDR/W: HP8100
    Cdrdao: 1.1.5

    Thanks for your help.


    • Wim Speekenbrink

      I already found out what the problem is. Cdrdao cannot handle the backslash in Windows directories. Would be nice if a future version could.



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