
1.1.4 Fails on DVD drive, works on other

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2001-03-30

    I downloaded cdrdao 1.1.4, and have been unsuccessful in getting it to work with my new dvdrom drive (Pioneer DVD-ROM ATAPI Model DVD-116 0107).  It works fine with my CDRW drive (Iomega ZIPCD 4x650).  I have them both setup as ide-scsi.  When I run the command "cdrdao read-cd --device /dev/sg0 --driver generic-mmc asdf.toc" I see the TOC, etc but then just get lots of "cdrdao: Input/output error. : scsi sendcmd: retryable error
    CDB:  BE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 F8 01 00
    status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
    Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00
    Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
    Sense Code: 0x24 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in cdb) Fru 0x0
    Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
    cmd finished after 0.000s timeout 20s".  Above it, I had "/dev/sg0: PIONEER DVD-ROM DVD-116       Rev: 1.07
    Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC (raw writing) - Version 1.0 (options 0x0000)

    Reading toc and track data...

    Track   Mode    Flags  Start                Length
    1      AUDIO   0      00:00:00(     0)     03:23:42( 15267)
    2      AUDIO   0      03:23:42( 15267)     04:25:13( 19888)
    3      AUDIO   0      07:48:55( 35155)     04:41:17( 21092)
    4      AUDIO   0      12:29:72( 56247)     05:10:53( 23303)
    5      AUDIO   0      17:40:50( 79550)     04:20:15( 19515)
    6      AUDIO   0      22:00:65( 99065)     04:05:10( 18385)
    7      AUDIO   0      26:06:00(117450)     03:43:12( 16737)
    8      AUDIO   0      29:49:12(134187)     04:02:20( 18170)
    9      AUDIO   0      33:51:32(152357)     03:08:45( 14145)
    10      AUDIO   0      37:00:02(166502)     03:48:20( 17120)
    11      AUDIO   0      40:48:22(183622)     04:29:53( 20228)
    12      AUDIO   0      45:18:00(203850)     05:42:00( 25650)
    Leadout AUDIO   0      51:00:00(229500)

    Copying audio tracks 1-12: start 00:00:00, length 51:00:00 to "data.bin"...
    Track 1...

    As I said, everything works fine with the other drive (change "sg0" to "sg1" in above command).  I am able to use cdparanoia on this drive with no problem.


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2001-03-31

      More info --

      I tried a different CDROM drive, an old SCSI-2 drive.  Same results as with the DVD drive.

      I also tried different kernel versions -- 2.4.1 plain, 2.4.2 plain, 2.4.2-ac28.  Same results with all of the above.

      I also tried cda from the xmcd package.  It was able to read the TOC from the drive with no problems or error messages as described above.

    • Andreas Mueller

      Andreas Mueller - 2001-04-01

      Please try the driver option bits as explained
      in the README, e.g. --driver generic-mmc:0x1.


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2001-04-01

      I thought I had tried those options already, but apparently I didn't.  The "generic-mmc:0x1" did the trick.  Thanks!


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