
AVR Cross Development Kit / News: Recent posts

CDK4AVR : package upgrade 20061223

The minor package upgrades are:
* insert the latest AVaRICE 2.6
* insert the latest development of the AVR HAL programming library -- libavrhal 20061223

Posted by Stephan Linz 2006-12-27

CDK4AVR : package upgrade 20061125

The minor package upgrades are:
* insert the latest AVaRICE 2.5
* insert the latest development of the AVR HAL programming library -- libavrhal 20061124cvs

New packages are:
* Assembler: cdk-avr-tpasm (version 1.2)
* Compiler: cdk-avr-lcc (version 4.1 ** BETA **)

Posted by Stephan Linz 2006-11-25

CDK4AVR : package upgrade 20061001

The minor package upgrades are:
* upgrade to latest gavrasm version 2.0
* upgrade to latest geany version 0.9 **BETA FOR AVR**

Posted by Stephan Linz 2006-10-01

CDK4AVR : package upgrade 20060913

The minor package upgrades are:
* upgrade to latest geany version 0.8 (BETA for AVR)

Posted by Stephan Linz 2006-09-13

CDK4AVR : package upgrade 20060912

The minor package upgrades are:
* upgrade to latest avra version 1.1.1
* upgrade to latest gavrasm version 1.9

Posted by Stephan Linz 2006-09-12

CDK4AVR : package upgrade 20060719

The minor package upgrades are:
* insert the latest AVR-Ada 0.4.1 results for binutils and gcc/gnat
* remove the wrong prefix 'avr-' from simulavr

New packages are:
* AVR-Ada Run Time System: cdk-avr-gcc-gnat-rts
* Ada examples: cdk-avr-example-ada

Posted by Stephan Linz 2006-07-19

CDK4AVR : package upgrade 20060616 (V3.0)

Just, it's time to brief you about the current work in progress. Since last weekend I've upload all my latest package releases. You can download the packages from the project file area. Note, it seems there is a problem with the Sourceforge mirror servers. You can only use mirrors in North America (ex. Superb). Other mirrors will fail :(don't know why)

As far as all packages were reworked and rebuild inside a new but just private build environment. Now I can build Debian and Slackware installation packages too (DEB and TGZ). This part is experimental and very very untested. Please report any bug and/or problem.... read more

Posted by Stephan Linz 2006-06-23

CDK4AVR : package upgrade 20031022

Hi all,

in the last few days I've upgrade some packages to latest stabel releases or cvs snaphots:

* gcc-3.3.2
* avrlibc-1.0.1
* gdb-6.0
* simulavr-
* avarice-2.0.20030925cvs
* uisp-20031017cvs
* tools-4.0 (incl.: srecord-1.17, jtag-0.5.1, new: biew)
* example-butterfly-0.6.3
* example-simulavr-ddd-1.0 (fix an installation bug)


Posted by Stephan Linz 2003-10-22

CDK4AVR : package upgrade 20030907

Hi all,

in the last few days about each of all packages has upgraded to its latest stable release or cvs snapshot:

* avarice-2.0.20030825 (cvs)
* avrdude-4.2.0
* avrlibc- (cvs)
* binutils-2.14
* cisp-1.0.3
* gcc-3.3.1
* gdb-5.3
* gdb-6.0.20030904 (cvs)
* simulavr- (cvs)
* tavrasm-1.19
* tools-3.1 (incl.: srecord-1.16, Hex2bin-1.0.2, jtag-0.5)
* uisp-20030827 (cvs)... read more

Posted by Stephan Linz 2003-09-07