
#169 Binary release of CDK 1.3.8 with Java 5


CDK code seems to be compatible with Java 5 or even with Java 1.4. But the package was assembled with Java 6, which makes it impossible to be run with Java 5.
The package is assembled with appropriate backward compatibility compiler option.


  • Egon Willighagen

    My Linux systems do not have a maintained Java5 installation, and as such due to security issues. You will have to compile yourself or find someone in the community to set up a Nightly build server running with Java5. I don't think really is a bug; I'll move it to the feature requests.

  • Dmitry Katsubo

    Dmitry Katsubo - 2011-02-10

    The code could be compiled with any JDK, but compatibility options should be set to the lowest the code accepts (e.g. "-source 1.5" if CDK uses for example generics or even "-source 1.4" if none of Java6 features are used).

  • Dmitry Katsubo

    Dmitry Katsubo - 2011-04-14

    I've doublechecked build.xml from CDK 1.2.8: all <javac ...=""> targets have source="1.5". The situation changed in 1.3.8, where source="1.6". So I wonder: if there is any Java6-specific code in CDK, that does not allow the binary package to be compiled in a way to be run on Java5? If not, fixing build.xml is trivial.

  • Egon Willighagen

    It was the SMSD patch that introduced this change, and I think that needed source level 1.6. The CDK requires Java1.6 in general now (as Java 1.5 is no longer supported).

    But, let's try how far we get with -source=1.5...

    I/we need to dig up a part of the build system not used in a while: conditional building of code depending on the Java version installed :) We have been there before...


  • Egon Willighagen

    Looks good to me. I applied it to cdk-1.4.x.

    I think master will be Java7 based. I will send around email about that.


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