
#865 Not Typed Atoms

Peter Maas

Missing atom types.
SD-File with 11 entries containing missing atom types for S, P and N and I.


  • Peter Maas

    Peter Maas - 2009-02-27

    Zipped SD-file with 11 entries

  • Egon Willighagen

    OK, added four missing atom types. Two iodines, two sulphur. Also loosend perception of a third sulpur atom type

    The 7'th entry, however, is a =S- group... but I cannot find anything in PubChem like that that is not positively charged... Likewise, I could not find reference of a P(-OR)4 group that is uncharged...

    I think that covers all failing atom types.

    Please advice on the two atom types which I think might in fact be errors in the SD file.

  • Egon Willighagen

    Lowered Priority as it is mostly fixed. See earlier comment.

  • Peter Maas

    Peter Maas - 2009-03-13

    Hi Egon,

    I Checked the Elsevier Beilstein/patent database and tried to find examples with a link to literature and an "open" database.
    Here are my findings:

    Entry 7, agreed this clearly a drawing error (checked by LC-MS).

    P(OR)4 Please note there should be an implicete Hydrogen on the P.

    Cadogan, J. I. G.; Gosney, Ian; Randles, David; Yaslak, Salih; Ambler, Richard P.
    J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1982 , # 5 p. 298 - 299
    DOI: 10.1039/c39820000298.

    P=O Please note there should be an implicete Hydrogen on the P.
    This example has an Hydroxy group instead of a hydrogen.

    Skolimowski, Janusz; Quin, Louis D.; Hughes, Alan N.
    J. Org. Chem., 1989 , vol. 54, p. 3493 - 3496
    DOI: 10.1021/jo00275a047.

    Entry 6 and 8 also failed in CDK 1.2.0
    These are known as Benzothiadiazoles.
    We could argu that this is a drawing error.
    However, I found a lot of beilstein entries like this but they link to emolecules who draw them differently.

    Hope this helpes,


  • Egon Willighagen

    Peter, can I please ask you to have a look at how many fails still are present with the latest CDK, with all those atom type patches from Nimish, Asad, and Gilleain?

  • Peter Maas

    Peter Maas - 2011-10-25

    Attached file passed my test.