
#653 AtomType Csp2 not recognized in DescriptorEngine


I set up an atom with a SMILES parser, then generated 3D coordinates for it, and am trying to calculate all descriptors. DescriptorEngine keeps failing at LengthOverBreadth descriptor with the following message:
org.openscience.cdk.exception.NoSuchAtomTypeException: The AtomType Csp2 could not be found

This must be a bug since AtomType is entirely encapsulated.

Here are some code snippets:

IChemObject mol = new Molecule();
SmilesParser sp = new SmilesParser(DefaultChemObjectBuilder.getInstance());
mol = sp.parseSmiles("COC1=CC2=C(C=C1)NC3=C2CCNC3");
Molecule molecule = (Molecule)mol;

TemplateHandler3D template = TemplateHandler3D.getInstance();
ModelBuilder3D mb3d = ModelBuilder3D.getInstance(template,"mm2");
molecule = mb3d.generate3DCoordinates(molecule,true);

engine = new DescriptorEngine(DescriptorEngine.MOLECULAR);
catch(CDKException e)
{System.out.println("*CDKException: "+e.getMessage()); System.out.println();}


  • Nicholas FitzGerald

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I've tried this with other molecules now as well and I'm getting similar exceptions:

    "org.openscience.cdk.exception.NoSuchAtomTypeException: The AtomType C= could not be found"

  • Rajarshi Guha

    Rajarshi Guha - 2008-05-21

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    The problem is not in the descriptor code and is most likely in the 3D structure generation code

  • Nicholas FitzGerald

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Hmm... but why would it say that it could not recognize those AtomTypes? Also this is the only descriptor which is giving an error. If the 3D coordinates code were wrong, why wouldn't others fail? Surely LengthOverBreadth can't be the only one which needs AtomTypes. Furthermore, the qsarmolecular JUnit test of the most recent nightly build on your site shows LengthOverBreadthDescriptor causing Errors (in contrast to others which cause Failures).

  • Rajarshi Guha

    Rajarshi Guha - 2008-05-21

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    I don't know how the 3D builder is getting the types. If you can send me an SDF with a structure that causes this problem I can take a look. At this point I can't reproduce your problem.

    Furthermore, the LoB code does not deal with atom typing at all. The errors you note on the nightly test page deal with the fact that the center of mass calculation is failing (due to a problem in the atom typing code before invocation of the LoB code)

    Are you working with trunk or 1.0.2? On trunk I can't even generate the 3D coords using the CDK.

  • Nicholas FitzGerald

    Logged In: YES
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    Well, one example of a smiles string which is failing is "COc1ccc2nc3CNCCc3c2c1" for "6-Methoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-9H-pyrido[3,4b] indole" (I am writing this program to iterate over a large chemical database and fill in descriptors). I have attached the sdf file for comparison. Both fail, but this is just one example, I have seen the behaviour with many others as well. The exception is definitely being thrown during the execution of the DescriptorEngine, and definitely during LengthOverBreadthDescriptor. My fix at the moment is to just remove LengthOverBreadthDescriptor from the list of descriptors to calculate, and when I do that it works fine.

    This is CDK 1.0.2
    File Added: SID_24278180.sdf

  • Nicholas FitzGerald

    sdf file for "COc1ccc2nc3CNCCc3c2c1"

  • Stefan Kuhn

    Stefan Kuhn - 2008-09-08

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    Working on the ModelBuilder3D I found that I get a similar error in some cases. It's actually the fingerprinter and in the fingerprinter the Aromaticity detection which causes the problem. If you want to test, change line 171 of
    TemplateHandler3D from BitSet ringSystemFingerprint = new
    to BitSet ringSystemFingerprint = new
    Fingerprinter().getFingerprint(ringSystems); and run the ModelBuilder3D
    tests. Four of them fail with this problem.

  • Rajarshi Guha

    Rajarshi Guha - 2008-10-27

    Works fine in 1.2.x, so closing this bug