

Peter Howkins

Integrated Application Help

Most CDE desktop applications have built in help available via the 'help' menu.

Man pages

CDE comes with a series of man pages describing the programs available and the programming API. For convenience the program pages have been converted to HTML and are linked below.

dsdm dtaction dtappgather dtappintegrate dtbuilder
dtcalc dtchooser dtcm dtcm_delete dtcm_editor
dtcm_insert dtcm_lookup dtcodegen dtconfig dtconvertvf
dtcreate dtdocbook dtexec dtfile dtfile_copy
dtfile_error dtfplist dtgreet dthello dthelp_ctag1
dthelp_htag1 dthelp_htag2 dthelpgen dthelpprint dthelptag
dthelpview dticon dtimsstart dtinfo dtinfogen
dtksh dtlogin dtlp dtmail dtmailpr
dtpad dtpdm dtpdmd dtprintinfo dtscreen
dtsearchpath dtsession dtsession_res dtsrcreate dtsrdbrec
dtsrhan dtsrindex dtsrkdump dtsrload dtstyle
dtterm dttypes dtudcexch dtudcfonted dtwm
huffcode ksh mwm tt_type_comp ttcp
ttmv ttrm ttrmdir ttsession tttar
tttrace uil xmbind   

CDE Documentation Series

We have the Docbook source to an 11 book series of books aimed at Users, Administrators and Programmers of CDE. Unfortunately we cannot yet auto generate these documents from source (due to the very old version of Docbook used), but we have pre-generated PDF files from CDE 1.0 for people to use in the mean time.

For Users and Administrators

For Developers

Further Useful links for Developers

The resources on

The O'Reilly series 'The definitive guide to the X Window System' may be worth checking out, in particular the two volumes on Motif and the two volumes on Xt