
#9 Cut off fonts in titles


On both Debian Squeeze and Archlinux, after the second or third time starting CDE, the fonts in window titles and dtfile get cut off. Looking in CDE's error log shows that CDE is complaining about missing char sets. The solution to disable the default system locale.

This is a recent bug that has appeared in the last few days.


  • Antonis Tsolomitis

    Well it is not new. It does the same if you set an unsupported utf-8 LANG. For example When I set LANG=el_GR.UTF-8 it has exactly this behaviour. It does not do that when I set LANG=el_GR.ISO8859-7. For the latter, it complains that locale is unsupported and switches back to C, and the fonts are not cut off.

    But if the locale is XX_XX.UTF-8 it does not switch back to C and has the problem you say.

    To add something here: The cut off does not have to do with strings written in say Greek. It cuts off latin-1 characters. Say, in dtterm the string "Terminal" is cut off half way.

  • Eugene Doudine

    Eugene Doudine - 2014-02-16


    The cut off happens because dtwm fails to get default font
    (that is font with XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG )
    when using compound font sets in UTF-8 locales.

    This failure is detected and then gets executed the fallback code
    (patch by Frederic Koehler), which
    always gets the "fixed" font as the default font.

    The default font is then used to calculate heights of window titles, and
    this usually causes the cut off, because "fixed" on most systems
    is pretty small.

    This patch enhances somewhat the workaround of Frederic:
    in case when XmeRenderTableGetDefaultFont() fails to get font
    it uses XExtentsOfFontSet() to get extents of the entire font set.

    I regard this patch as a temporary workaround, because in the proper fix, I think, we probably should get rid of all usage of XmeRenderTableGetDefaultFont() and default fonts at all throughout the program, because titles and messages could be in any language or in mix of languages.


    Last edit: Eugene Doudine 2014-02-17
  • Jon Trulson

    Jon Trulson - 2014-03-03
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Jon Trulson
  • Jon Trulson

    Jon Trulson - 2014-03-03

    fixed in 2.2.1


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