
#4 Support for TS files with more than one program


I'm getting the following:

Program association section (PAT)
Program number: 1160 -> PMTPID: 6423
Program number: 1600 -> PMTPID: 6421
Error: TS files with more than one program are not supported

Support for selecting the program would be nice


  • Carlos Fernandez

    Send a sample :-)

  • ReyBrujo

    ReyBrujo - 2011-01-13

    Happens often with Japanese broadcasts. I have sent you a sample, if you need more I can try to provide more. Thanks for the program, it is terrific!

  • Volker Quetschke

    Carlos started support for this.

  • Volker Quetschke

    • assigned_to: nobody --> cfsmp3
  • Tommi Uimonen

    Tommi Uimonen - 2011-08-26

    Hello, great to see progress about this. I tried the 0.58, and yes it detects multiple programs. There is still some issues: "afd_data() - unsupported, we don't have samples"

    I could send a sample, but it is European broadcast and I just found out that you don't really support those. So it's now up to you if you want it or not.


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