Scott Button - 2010-10-27

I have an event buffer on the Critical Chain. Why is the event buffer ignored when sizing the project buffer?

If you do not like the calculated buffer duration, it is possible to adjust this duration. Simply edit the duration field before using the "Apply Buffers" feature.

The project buffer size is based on assumptions such as no multi-tasking, instantaneous handoffs between resources, and event driven performance. The calculated project buffer should be considered a MINIMUM size, and is only sufficient if all of these assumptions hold true.

Further, events typically occur at an integration point. Several parallel chains join at an integration point. Feeding buffers are sized based on each chain, and the integration delay caused by multiple parallel chains is not included anywhere in the Critical Chain model.

In the general case, we can not defend deducting anything from the project buffer, so the event buffer is ignored when sizing the project buffer.