

Daniel Alexandru Radu

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  • Daniel Alexandru Radu

    A short history

    Captain Shutdown 1.0 : It had no GUI , it was displayed in a command prompt window and it started as my need to schedule the computer to close down after finishing torrents or after I fall asleep so that the music would play when I go to bed .

    Captain Shutdown 2.0 : After I took a closer look at QtWidgets I thought that I could use it to make some applications nicer . I added a GUI to Captain Shutdown just for fun .

    Captain Shutdown 2.3 : It's the current version . It only has small bug fixes and optimization modifications from 2.0 version .

  • Daniel Alexandru Radu

    Captain Shutdown 3.0 is now available . It has new features such as Note saving through different sessions of the application, sound play when notes pop-up, reviewed code, etc.


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