Activity for Canorus

  • ReKa ReKa created a blog post

    Chord Names

  • Matevž Jekovec Matevž Jekovec created a blog post

    Migration to github

  • Ilva Zylfollari Ilva Zylfollari posted a comment on discussion Canorus User Support

    Hi, I'm Ilva. I liked your project and I would like to contribute by writing the requirement document if it does not exist. I would like you to send me a detailed description of the operation, technical features and anything you would like to add to the document. My email is I'll be happy to help you.

  • Ilva Zylfollari Ilva Zylfollari posted a comment on discussion Canorus User Support

    Hello I'm Irene. Your project is interesting and I would like to do a requirement document for your project. If you want to help send my on

  • Clemmitt Sigler Clemmitt Sigler posted a comment on discussion Canorus Development

    Hello again, I've made a small amount of progress on getting canorus working with Python 3.7. I posted a work-in-progress patch on pastebin: Also see this Arch Linux Flyspray bug report: The executable still crashes -- here is a stack traceback from gdb: - * - * - * - [New LWP 838] [New LWP 839] [New LWP 843] [New LWP 842] [New LWP 851] [New LWP 840] [New LWP 841] [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db...

  • Clemmitt Sigler Clemmitt Sigler posted a comment on discussion Canorus User Support

    Hi all, I recently installed Canorus because at one time (at least this is what I have read) it was able to open or import the very ancient (12+ years old) .not format files produced by its predecessor program, noteedit. I've looked at these .not files which, very helpfully, are in ASCII. For simple scores the format seems easy enough to parse by eye. But, being lazy, I'd like to read in old .not files via a score editor to save to music xml or a similar contemporary, long-term supported format....

  • Clemmitt Sigler Clemmitt Sigler posted a comment on discussion Canorus Development

    Hello, Matevž, Thank you for kindly buying me two clues :) 1.) Indeed, "cmake -DNO_PYTHON=1" eliminates the start-up crash. 2.) I think I succeeded (by sidestepping Arch's package build system) in building canorus with debugging symbols enabled. Here's the gdb output: [] $ gdb ./install/bin/canorus GNU gdb (GDB) 8.1.1 Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute...

  • Matevž Jekovec Matevž Jekovec posted a comment on discussion Canorus Development

    Hi Clemmitt. The runtime error is weird indeed. We have added support for python3.x just recently. Maybe Štefan could take a look whether it's an issue with the new python or arch-specific? Can you enable debugging symbols and provide us with the backtrace of the crash (uncomment SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug") in 8th line in CMakeLists.txt). In any case, you can always compile Canorus without python support: cmake -DNO_PYTHON=1 . This should fix your crash, but of course disables the support for python...

  • Clemmitt Sigler Clemmitt Sigler posted a comment on discussion Canorus Development

    Hello all, I'm having trouble running canorus 0.7.3rc3 on Arch Linux. (Though Arch is a less widespread distribution it has become more popular now thanks to Manjaro and Antergos, as well as word of mouth. Hopefully this is not an esoteric, Arch-specific issue.) There is an official Arch package for canorus under the community repository. I installed this package but it crashes upon start-up. Please see this Flyspray bug report URL: The PKGBUILD script and a...

  • ReKa ReKa created ticket #5

    PyCLI Fix

  • ReKa ReKa created a blog post

    Canorus 0.7.3rc3 released

  • Canorus Canorus released /0.7.3/canorus-0.7.3rc3.tar.bz2

  • Canorus Canorus released /0.7.3/README

  • ReKa ReKa modified a blog post

    Canorus 0.7.3 Binaries for Windows

  • ReKa ReKa created a blog post

    Canorus 0.7.3 Binaries for Windows

  • ReKa ReKa renamed a blog post

    Canorus 0.7.3rc3 impending

  • ReKa ReKa created a blog post


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