
Compiling Camlusb

  • blacklight86

    blacklight86 - 2006-03-26

    Hi, i see I'm the first one writing in this space...

    I've got a problem installing the latest version of Camlusb. This is the trouble I get typing "make":

    make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/camlusb'
    make[1]: `libusb_stubs.a' is up to date.
    ocamlc -c -I /usr/local/lib/ocaml usb.mli
    File "usb.mli", line 67, characters 19-32:
    Unbound type constructor Com.opaque
    make[1]: *** [usb.cmi] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/camlusb'
    make: *** [byte-code-library] Error 2

    actually I don't know Ocaml programming language, so I don't know where to put my hands...may you help me? It's quite important for me to get Camlusb as soon as possible in order to use Gnudap...


    • Gina Belmonte

      Gina Belmonte - 2006-03-27

      it looks like ocamlc can't link camlidl library.

      Where did you get ocaml and camlidl packages and what versions?
      What linux distribution are you using?

      Sorry for the problems, we'll solve them!

    • blacklight86

      blacklight86 - 2006-03-29

      are you italian too??

      I made it, it works now! Maybe it didn't work because I used a Debian-package of Camlidl (on my Slackware 10.1), but now using the source version of 1.05 it works greatly, and Gnudap too.

      Thanks anyway!


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