
#10 CamelBones doesn't run on Leopard


Leopard seems to have Perl version 5.8.8 installed, which means that CamelBones doesn't want to work. I've found this is the root of the problem as to why GPSPhotoLinker doesn't work in Leopard.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    FWIW, Sherm has mentioned several times on the mailing list that he's near a Leopard-compatible 1.1.0 version of CamelBones. In the meantime, I have put together a hacky version of CamelBones that works on Intel Macs running Leopard. (The 1.0.3-leopard hack does NOT work on PowerPC Leopard, unfortunately, and I cannot do a proper bundle for it because duplicating the compile situation needed to build out of CVS is difficult as the setup is not well documented. Though I am continuing to poke at it!)

    However, until the 1.1.0 version is out, if you're on Leopard on an Intel mac, can be dropped in over the old CamelBones.framework in any CB-based project to make it temporarily work.

  • Rachel Blackman

    Rachel Blackman - 2009-09-22

    Sorry for the long delay in this reply. There was a version of CB with Leopard support floating around for the past two years, but it wasn't on the sourceforge page. More recently, I've gotten developer access, and the current source tree supports both Leopard and Snow Leopard. Fairly soon there should be a 1.1.0 version put up for download on the project page, supporting both Leopard and Snow Leopard.

    (In the future, we are moving towards a CamelBones 2.0 which contains its own Perl library and thus will no longer break painfully during system upgrades.)

  • Rachel Blackman

    Rachel Blackman - 2009-09-22
    • status: open --> closed

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