Edward43 - 2007-08-30

When a public or (not logged in) user attempts to recommend an event to a public calendar, they get the following error message at the top:

E_WARNING Warning 
array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array

The event is successfully submitted, and then can be approved when I log in, but the error message makes them think it didn't get suggested, so they keep trying.

You can duplicate the error by going to this calendar and suggesting an event.


Please suggest a fix.

Also - this might be important.  Before I got that error message, when submitting events for approval this way, the first error message I got was that it could not right to the file  phpmailer.lang.en-US.php.  I went to the directory that it was supposed to be in and noticed the file wasn't their, so I copied the file phpmailer.lang.en.php and renamed it phpmailer.lang.en-US.php and put it into the directory - then changed the properties to writable 777 and that solved the problem.  Now the event submits (it wasn't before), but I still get the annoying error message that I mentioned above.