
List View Displays Wrong Dates in Header

  • Edward43

    Edward43 - 2007-08-31

    Why does the header display the wrong date in list view?

    Check out my public calendar here:
    Click Homeopathic Calendar.

    If you look at any other view, you'll see that the events are entered on the dates in September.  They display properly on every view except list view.  When I go to list view and filter the events for September, all the events display for the correctly filtered dates, but the header says "October" not "September".

    Can someone shed some light on this?

    • Edward43

      Edward43 - 2007-08-31

      So far this problem is not limited to September 2007 entries.  Any entry I make in September shows an "october" header in the list view.

      While, entries made in October, also show "October" in the Header.

      Yet... entries made for November are showing up as December in the list view.

      Looks like the list view is adding +1 to the month.


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