
CalemEAM - Open Source EAM/CMMS / News: Recent posts

Calem Community Edition R2.1e

This release resolved the user creation/update issue reported at:!topic/calem-community-forum/UJ61IYl3d_M

Use the support forum to get support:
Get source code for R2.1e from github at

Posted by Clay Li 2016-10-03

Calem Community Edition R2.1d

This release added PHP 7 support. Use the support forum to get support:

Get source code for R2.1d from github at

Posted by Clay Li 2016-07-29

Calem Community Edition R2.1c

This release removes the requirement of flash for dashboards. See the following post for more information:

Posted by Clay Li 2016-06-14

Calem Community Edition R2.1a

This release addresses errors in hosting environment. See the following post for more information:

Posted by Clay Li 2013-10-06

Calem Community Edition Release 2.1

CalemEAM announced the release of Calem Community Edition R2.1. This release includes enhancements and bug fixes listed below.

New Features in Calem Community Edition R2.1
- Web-based installation
- Asset List Report
- List report export to Microsoft Excel

Bug Fixes and Enhancements
- 0000121: [Purchase] Invalid SQL when adding items to PO from req
- 0000020: [Report] Display customer logo on report
- 0000118: [General] CalemRecord created at CalemModelItem not correct
- 0000117: [Work order] Add workoder with PM with invalid field
- 0000116: [General] PHP code refactoring
- 0000114: [Work order] Error in creating work order from PM manually
- 0000113: [Asset] PM asset meter form refactoring
- 0000095: [Report] Some fields in Workorder Report (Print Report) are not filled with data.
- 0000102: [Asset] Custom field blank when refreshing
- 0000112: [Designer] Error in editing a record after adding custom field
- 0000106: [Contract] Search not available
- 0000104: [Document] File name restricted to 76 chars
- 0000111: [Setup] Scheduler script path
- 0000108: [Document] Document Files are not displayed
- 0000109: [Admin] Misc refactoring - PHP 5.2.5 and innoDB
- 0000107: [Work order] Tool transactoin from workorder requiring manual refresh
- 0000105: [Admin] Better error log when login failed
- 0000090: [User Interface] Data grid not handling refreshing edge cases
- 0000082: [Cache] Pear Cache_Lite not reporting errors back
- 0000086: [Admin] Module design form missing available forms/folders
- 0000080: [I18n (Localization)] Dropdown customization is lost when logged out
- 0000070: [User Interface] Login error message not in correct locale
- 0000072: [Setup] Include PEAR.php in CalemEAM
- 0000050: [Setup] Calem Installation program
- 0000065: [Inventory] Inventory order report view
- 0000068: [Setup] LoadSampleData not updating dashboard
- 0000064: [Asset] Asset List Report
- 0000060: [Setup] Add comments to
- 0000063: [User Interface] Hide Customize Tab in Dashboard and Lose it... read more

Posted by Clay Li 2008-05-05

Calem Mobile Solution White Paper

Calem Mobile Solution allows customers to use CalemEAM from mobile devices such as phones and PDAs. It is available for customers of Calem Professional and Enterprise. Download the white paper of Calem Mobile solution to find out more.

Posted by Clay Li 2008-02-11

Calem Open Source r2.0.1 release

CalemEAM r2.0.1 was released on Oct. 8, 2007. It includes many new features, enhancements and bug fixes:
- Dashboard module
- Language packs
- PM schedule by days
- Asset service and activity
- Asset drill down
- Contract and Vendor modules
- Document attachment and upload
- List view scroll by mouse wheel
- Script scheduler

Full list of changes for r2.0.1:
- 0000007: [Asset] Add drilldown to asset module (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000058: [Work order] Add a short note to workorder (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000001: [Asset] To track service and activities on asset (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000015: [Contract] Add contract/SLA to asset (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000034: [Designer] Asset part list (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000057: [Scheduler] Lack the possibility to schedule pm in number of day (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000018: [I18n (Localization)] Locale support (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000019: [Admin] My Account menu is not available when admin module is not accessible (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000020: [Report] Display customer logo on report (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000032: [User Interface] Do not share 'Description' across modules (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000056: [User Interface] Dropdown design removed fixed field (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000053: [Vendor] Adding Vendor and Contract as a new module (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000028: [Document] Add document upload (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000055: [Asset] Asset photo (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000012: [Setup] jsmin.exe has dependency on cygwin.dll (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000052: [Vendor] Depercating contractor module (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000016: [User Interface] Email Input Fields 30 chars too short (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000047: [Workflow] Adding next person to route to REQ and PO (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000042: [Designer] In the work order tab switch the works steps and the safety notes (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000041: [Configuration] Session rework (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000046: [Budget] Cost type selected was not displayed correctly after saving (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000045: [Asset] Asset auto-numbering (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000048: [Inventory] Adding ABC code (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000049: [Upgrade] Upgrade previous version to new version (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000029: [Dashboard] Dashboard feature (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000040: [Work order] WO origin not set up properly (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000036: [Scheduler] Add scheduler function (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000038: [User Interface] Local time to GMT conversion (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000037: [Database] Datetime null not set properly (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000035: [User Interface] PM Schedule info cut-off in record view (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000031: [Database] Data scroll not seeing full list (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000030: [User Interface] Mouse scroll in listView (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000026: [Work order] Set 'Date requested' and 'Date needed' for generated PM (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000027: [Work order] Work order generation nextDueDate reworked (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000024: [Asset] You cannot use the "Sort" Funtion under Asset > Asset Catagory (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000025: [User Interface] List view header not moved while scrolled horizontally (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000023: [Search] Search name with quotes caused syntax error (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000021: [Search] Search for lookup field JSON error (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000017: [Setup] Host Port (clayli) - resolved.
- 0000010: [Setup] Include pear libraries in the release (eglerk) - closed.... read more

Posted by Clay Li 2007-10-07

CalemEAM Open Source r1.0.2 Service Pack 1

Service Pack 1 corrected a problem with deploying CalemEAM on ports other than port 80. If you do not plan to deploy CalemEAM on ports other than 80 you do not need to download/apply this patch.

Posted by Clay Li 2007-06-24

CalemEAM Open Source Release r1.0.2

CalemEAM Open Source r1.0.2 is made available. The key enhancement is to allow adding codes at codes lookup screen for most of the codes.

Beta release r1.0.2 changes:
- 0000002: [Admin] Alternative login screen without Ajax library.
- 0000011: [User Interface] Add a splash screen when loading the app.
- 0000003: [Lookup] Allow adding code at code lookup screen.
- 0000006: [Designer] Do not display design menus for non-admin users.
- 0000008: [Report] Work order request time not showing properly on report.
- 0000005: [Setup] Directory rights not sufficient by default causing customization to fail in Linux instatllations.
- 0000009: [Configuration] Refactor custom configuration.

Posted by Clay Li 2007-06-10

CalemEAM Document Site Opens

CalemEAM document site ( includes documentation for users, admins and development. The site includes screenshots and steps to use the product, customize it and get involved in the development. So take a look and let us know your feedback.

Posted by Clay Li 2007-06-02

CalemEAM hosted demo available

CalemEAM opens a hosted demo for Calem Open Source. Check it out at or go directly to You may use the forum ( to share your comments/feature suggestions.

Posted by Clay Li 2007-05-22

New release r1.0.1x with instructions for Linux installation

r1.0.1x has been released to facilitate installing CalemEAM Open Source on Linux servers. The setup guide at is updated covering Linux installation.

Posted by Clay Li 2007-05-22

Setup guide updated

Setup guide has been updated to include memory and PDO settings which could cause lost time in haunting down the errors from installation. The update has been committed to:

Posted by Clay Li 2007-05-12

Subversion repository is activated

The source code for trunk, branch and tag files of beta release is checked into SVN repository. You may browse SVN from the project's 'Code' tab.

Posted by Clay Li 2007-05-10

CalemEAM Beta Release

CalemEAM, an open source Enterprise Asset Management (EAM/CMMS) application, was released on May 7, 2007.

CalemEAM has a full Ajax web client including module, menu and form customization with drag-and-drop. CalemEAM server is written in PHP so customers can modify business logic with the popular PHP and have it applied instantly without any redeployment overhead.

Check out for feature list and product roadmap.

Posted by Clay Li 2007-05-10